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Posts posted by avpx

  1. From my understanding, we need an option for ignoring files that we are receiving and an option for ignoring files that we are sending.



    - .SyncIgnore file which will be not synced along devices.

    - .SyncIgnoreGlobal file which will be synced.

    - .SyncControl file which can explain sync which files will be on-way synced (for example only get them and ignore local modifications or only send them and ignore remote modifications)

  2. I suggest possibility to create a special secret key for folder in SyncApp, with such a feature:

    This key will be enough to sync with remote folder, but will not to decrypt the data it contains. So it will be possible to make safe/always online "servers" in places which you do not really 100% trust. (for example at work).

    Other "peers" with full secret key will still has ability to download data and open/decrypt it.