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Everything posted by Osiris

  1. I'm kinda having the same issue besides I'm not using wireless... I am syncing 2 Nas devices over wired LAN (freenas and qnap). I'm getting the double arrow icons. The transfer speed is a constant 3MB/s When copying a file directly from nasshare to nasshare, the speed is 70MB/s which is closer to my Gigabyte lan connection. This is when scp'ing one file to the other device using putty, so no intermediaries.
  2. Have been struggling a bit with FreeNas and btsync. Now that it all works without the need for a jail (I think), here are my findings. I assume a volume has been set up on the FreeNas. create a user 'btsync' with a homedir accessible for writing after the reboot. log on to FreeNas using ssh (putty or shell) with the root user. enable write access on the OS. mount -uw / based on http://forums.freena...-install.12722/ I adapted a btsync_install.sh script : #!/bin/sh # Installs Bittorrent Sync (btsync) under a FreeNAS jail # based on http://forums.freenas.org/threads/bittorrent-sync-install.12722/ # 2013-08-20 # edited a bit by tim@chaubet.be on 2013-09-05 cd /tmp echo -n "Would you like to install Bittorrent Sync (y/n)? [n] : " read install_btsync if [ $install_btsync = "y" ]; then echo "Initialization of btsync user" if [ `more /etc/passwd | grep btsync | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then echo "The btsync user exists. Make sure the home_dir has RW access after boot." user_exists=1 else echo "Creation of btsync user should be done via the GUI." echo "Set a home_dir which will have write access after reboot, so outside the boot OS." #pw useradd btsync -m -c "User Bittorrent Sync" -s /bin/sh -w yes user_exists=0 fi if [ user_exists==1 ]; then home_dir=`more /etc/passwd | grep btsync | awk -F':' '{ print $6 }'` echo "home dir : $home_dir" if [ ! -e $home_dir ]; then mkdir $home_dir echo "home dir did not exist ! -> created." fi ls -hltrd $home_dir config_dir="$home_dir/.conf" config_btsync_dir="$config_dir/btsync" if [ ! -e $config_dir ]; then mkdir $config_dir echo "$config_dir created." fi if [ ! -e $config_btsync_dir ]; then mkdir $config_btsync_dir echo "$config_btsync_dir created." fi chown -R btsync $home_dir echo "owner of $home_dir changed to btsync." chmod -R 744 $home_dir echo "permissions on $home_dir changed to rwxr--r--." if [ -e btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz ]; then rm btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz fi echo "Downloading Bittorrent Sync: btsync_freebsd_x64 from amazonaws." fetch "http://btsync.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz" if [ -e btsync ]; then rm btsync echo "existing btsync removed." fi echo "Extraction of Bittorrent Sync." tar xvfz btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz echo "Copying Bittorrent Sync." cp btsync $config_btsync_dir chmod -R 755 $config_btsync_dir echo "Initialization of the daemon...ROAR" cat > "/etc/rc.d/btsync" <<EOF #!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: btsync # REQUIRE: NETWORKING SERVERS DAEMON ldconfig resolv # btsync service # Take from <https://gist.github.com/MendelGusmao/5398362> home_dir=`more /etc/passwd | grep btsync | awk -F':' '{ print $6 }'` config_dir="$home_dir/.conf" config_btsync_dir="$config_dir/btsync" # Replace with linux users you want to run BTSync clients for BTSYNC_USERS="btsync" DAEMON=$config_btsync_dir/btsync name="btsync" rcvar="btsync_enable" #command="$config_btsync_dir/\${name}" start() { echo "Starting btsync..." for btsuser in \$BTSYNC_USERS; do HOMEDIR=\`more /etc/passwd | grep \$btsuser | awk -F':' '{ print \$6 }'\` #echo "launched from \$HOMEDIR " if [ -d \$HOMEDIR/.conf ]; then command="\$HOMEDIR/.conf/btsync/btsync" echo "btsuser : \$btsuser running command : \$command" su -l \$btsuser -c "\$command --config \$HOMEDIR/.conf/btsync/config.json" fi done } stop() { echo "Stopping btsync..." for btsuser in \$BTSYNC_USERS; do HOMEDIR=\`more /etc/passwd | grep \$btsuser | awk -F':' '{ print \$6 }'\` if [ -d \$HOMEDIR/.conf ]; then dbpid=\`pgrep -u \$btsuser btsync\` if [ -z "\$dbpid" ]; then echo "btsync for USER \$btsuser: not running." else echo "Stopping btsync for USER \$btsuser: running (pid \$dbpid)" kill \$dbpid until [ -z "\$dbpid" ] do dbpid=\`pgrep -u \$btsuser btsync\` echo -n "." sleep 1 done echo "" fi fi done } status() { for btsuser in \$BTSYNC_USERS; do dbpid=\`pgrep -u $btsuser btsync\` if [ -z "\$dbpid" ]; then echo "btsync for USER \$btsuser: not running." else echo "btsync for USER \$btsuser: running (pid \$dbpid)" fi done } case "\$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart|reload|force-reload) stop start ;; status) status ;; *) echo "Usage: $/etc/rc.d/btsync {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|status}" echo " service btsync {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|status}" exit 1 esac exit 0 EOF chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/btsync cp /etc/rc.d/btsync /conf/base/etc/rc.d/ echo "created btsync startup process in /etc/rc.d/ and /conf/base/etc/rc.d/" if [ `more /etc/rc.conf | grep btsync | wc -l` -lt 1 ]; then echo "btsync_enable=\"YES\"" >> /etc/rc.conf fi echo "Web Interface configuration" echo -n "User login to the web interface : " read user echo -n "Password to connect to the web interface : " read pwd cat > "$config_btsync_dir/config.json" <<EOF { "device_name": "Freenas", "listening_port" : 0, // 0 - randomize port /* storage_path dir contains auxilliary app files if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory where binary is located. otherwise user-defined directory will be used */ "storage_path" : "$config_btsync_dir", // uncomment next line if you want to set location of pid file // "pid_file" : "/var/run/syncapp/syncapp.pid", "pid_file" : "$config_btsync_dir/syncapp.pid", "check_for_updates" : true, "use_upnp" : true, // use UPnP for port mapping /* limits in kB/s 0 - no limit */ "download_limit" : 0, "upload_limit" : 0, /* remove "listen" field to disable WebUI remove "login" and "password" fields to disable credentials check */ "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "$user", "password" : "$pwd" } } EOF chown btsync $config_btsync_dir/config.json chmod 744 $config_btsync_dir/config.json echo "Launching btsync :" /etc/rc.d/btsync start fi fi Create the file in the root homedir, give exe access and run it : cd /root vi installscript.sh [insert], paste the script and save (:wq) chmod +x installscript.sh sh installscript.sh After that, add a post-init command via the freenas-gui that says service btsync start
  3. Has this been resolved ? This would render btsync useless on FreeNas ...
  4. Any progress on adding proxy support, lads ? This would make your app a total dropboxkiller.