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Posts posted by fukawi2

  1. So what I am essential asking is what determine who is to overwrite the other?  Is it the date created?  What do you suggest I do?


    btsync is doing it's job - syncing the changes (ie, newest file) from the source to the other devices with older versions.


    You could add the iTunes XML library file to the .SyncIgnore file.

  2. EDIT: I did misunderstand your request - Ignore the following.


    If I understand correctly, you're trying to add the same folder a second time to be able to backup to the third device (the laptop). If that's correct, then "you're doing it wrong" :)


    btsync is a mesh type of sync tool - ie, it syncs N-ways, not only 2-ways. So you don't need to add the folder a second time, just use the same key and add it to the btsync config on your laptop. The laptop will then "join" the other 2 computers in the sync activities for the folder.

  3. It depends entirely on your environment - there are likely to be technical and policy reasons you can or can't use btsync.


    You're best off talking to your network admins, especially to avoid any issues with company policy.


    No-one here knows enough (anything) about the technical environment at your work to be able to give you advice.

  4. OK, I have my tail between my legs on this one; the machine where I did the deletions had a read-only key  :rolleyes:


    To resolve:

    1) Delete the shared folder from btsync

    2) Manually remove the .Sync* files

    3) Restart btsync

    4) Use rsync with the --delete option to re-sync the 2 machines (ie, delete the files I want gone)

    5) Re-add the shared folders.

    6) Be quick to disable all the discovery methods (Search LAN, Use TrRacker server etc) so the index can complete without interruption.

    7) Once the index is done on both machines, re-enable the peer discovery methods, give it 10 minutes and they're happy again :D

  5. Thanks for the response GreatMarko. There are none of those part files:
    /mnt/music $ find ./ -name .Sync\*./.SyncID./.SyncIgnore./.SyncArchive/mnt/music $ find ./ -name .\!Sync\*/mnt/music $ 

    Re-creating the shares will definitely make Sync want to re-transfer those 5gb won't it? I don't have the connectivity to push 5gb just to delete it again.


    I've had a reply from the support team with some other suggestions which I'll try and report back :)

  6. Well I submitted this to the support guys over a month ago but haven't got a solution, or even an update from them, so I'll post it here in case anyone else has any ideas...


    I have an issue with one of my shared folders containing my music collection. There are currently 3 devices in the sync group: my home desktop, my laptop and my work desktop.
    I deleted a lot of duplicate files on my work desktop (while my home desktop and laptop were turned off). I deleted a little over 5gb out of ~40gb.
    Now that I have turned my home desktop and laptop back on, the webui says that they want to upload the "missing" 5.5gb, but at the same time they're not actually sending any data as best I can tell (the data to upload isn't decreasing, the upload speed is 0.0kb/s and a tcpdump on my gateway shows minimal traffic).
    I would expect that the deletions would sync from my work desktop to my home desktop and laptop??
    My sync group have been in this start for a months now; my laptop and home desktop saying they want to upload ~5gb of data, but not actually uploading anything, and the deleted files not being deleted on the home desktop/laptop.
  7. FWIW, I did a similar setup (backing up a media collection to a certain popular low-power device with an external hard drive, using a read-only secret). Unfortunately I didn't even think about the fact that the external hard drive was significantly smaller than the collection, and despite the backup device having a "read only" secret, it still somehow managed to blat a significant amount of my media collection on the other devices once the disk was filled. The read-only stuff is still buggy IMHO.


    Fortunately I found a previous manual backup and didn't loose much in the end.

  8. Instead of cleaning your laptop of old projects, why not periodically create archives of old projects on one of the servers (outside the btsync folder), then cleanup the btsync, which will then sync back to the laptop and 'clean' it too?


    For example, create an "To Archive" in your btsync tree, then on the server you can do something like (I'm assuming it's a *nix based server):

    #!/bin/bashBTSYNC_ROOT='/btsync/To Archive'ARCHIVE_ROOT='/archive'set -eset -ucd "$BTSYNC_ROOT"for fname in * ; do   [[ ! -d "$fname" }} && continue   # skip anything that isn't a directory   archive_file="${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/${fname}.tar.gz"   tar czpf "$archive_file" "$fname" && rm -Rf "$fname"   echo "Archived $fname to $archive_file"done


  9. File Size Limits would be good. For example, a "Maximum File Size per Shared Folder".


    Use case: I'm considering setting up a shared folder for remote staff to sync documents with the office (for collaboration and backup purposes). I don't want one of the remote staff to (accidentally or deliberately) dump 200 x 10mb photos in there, which 10 other people then have to download, over the violators slooowww ADSL uplink. If I can limit files to 500kb (for example) then that would help negate the risk.

  10. OK, my read-only peer appears that it is NOT. This seems important :-/

    I just duplicated a folder on my server (`cp -r folderA/ folderB/`) then removed some files from the new folder (`cd folderB/ ; rm -f file1 file2`).

    Not long after, those files started to sync back from the "backup". They reappeared with the .!sync extension.

    How? What? Why? :-/