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Everything posted by jochen

  1. I think the problem is that btsync is acting as a relais as soon as you use a tracker. And without tracker, only predefined hosts, btsync does not work reliable.I'm on the way to switch my sync to unison.
  2. Is there some option so my peer never becomes a relay? Or is the only way to disable portforwarding on the router?
  3. I always disable "Search DHT network". The only options I use are "Use tracker" and "use predefined hosts". I also want to avoid "use tracker", but then it becomes unreliable. Sometimes it works without tracker, but sometimes it does not detect clients that are predefined hosts. That's strange. What are these "relay servers"? Can every node become a relay server? How can I control whether my node becomes a relay server?
  4. Today I saw on my router that btsync had 225 udp connections and was causing lots of traffic. All my pc were in sync, so I'm wondering what is causing this enormous traffic. Could it be that my clients are misused as relaying servers for other clients?
  5. My btsync is constantly causing low traffic, even if all files are in sync. What is it doing? Is it constantly pinging other peers? This is draining my laptop battery. How can I avoid this?
  6. Not for 32 bit applications:
  7. I have the following situation: My music is stored on a NAS (WD MyCloud) and distributed to all my pc through bittorrent sync. All pc are running Linux. A Raspberry PI is running btsync and has the NAS mounted through Samba. At a certain stage, when ripping music, it happens that I have 3 different folders which leead to the same folder in case insensitive windows naming. Example: "Cirque du soleil", "Cirque du Soleil" and "Cirque Du Soleil". After ripping I will move the album subfolders to the right main folder and delete the other 2. What happens to the Samba mounted NAS on the Pi? Can btsync handle this situation?
  8. Since I only have Linux machines, no Windows, that could not be the cause in my case. I had that happen several times, and it always were small files with size < 512 byte. And one time I had a new file that did not trigger a sync, even after a long time (the docu says that every 10 minutes a sync is initiated even when ther was no inotify event). The unreliability of btsync is so frustrating that I switched to Owncloud sync. So I cannot further investigate on this topic.
  9. I meant, delete this one post, it was a duplicate. Not delete the whole thread. There is no solution yet.
  10. I got it working again. I searched for a file of that size, that was modified in the last 7 days, and I found one. jochen@MacBook:/Daten/BTsync$ find . -type f -size -500c -mtime -7./Adressen/Radlmeier_Hausverwaltung.vcf./.SyncIDjochen@MacBook:/Daten/BTsync$ ls -l ./Adressen/Radlmeier_Hausverwaltung.vcf-rw-rw-r-- 1 jochen jochen 350 Okt 29 06:35 ./Adressen/Radlmeier_Hausverwaltung.vcf I removed that file and the sync of this folder completed. There is nothing special with that file. A normal text file, no special characters in it's name.
  11. I'm having exactly the same problem. Two of my clients want to upload 350B to my server and never finish. I removed that folder from both, server and client, added it again, but problem remains. There are no .!Sync files on both ends.
  12. This is a known issue.
  13. I'm running bittorrent sync on a vps with Ubuntu Lucid and on my notebook with Ubuntu Precise. One of my sync folders got stuck in a sync operation. The gui shows that it is uploading 350 byte to my server, but this never finishes. I moved a new file to this folder, the file was uploaded immediately, and thereafter it still show the 350 byte uploading. A reboot does not change this. How can I reset this sync operation? Screenshot is attached.
  14. There is some other bug in the indicator: german umlauts in folder names are displayed wrong. 2-Byte UTF-8 characters in folder names are displayed as 2 separate ISO Latin-1 characters. Example: the german 'ΓΌ' (u umlaut) has a UTF-8 encoding of 0xC3 0xBC. These are displayed as Latin-1 "A with tilde" plus "fraction one quarter". I think this bug is in the webserver. The code:'Requesting status');params = {'token': self.token, 'action': 'getsyncfolders'}response = requests.get(self.urlroot, params=params, cookies=self.cookies)returns umlauts as 2 unicode characters: { "iswritable": 1, "name": "\/Daten\/jochen\/B\u00c3\u00bccher", "peers": [ { "direct": 1, "name": "BTsync Server", "status": "Synchronisiert am 10\/19\/13 11:04:00" }
  15. I found the bug with the permanently rotating indicator icon. This is language dependent. In method check_activity(), you compare with the english text: if peer['status'].find('Synced') == -1:But in a german installation the peer status is u'status': u'Synchronisiert am 10/19/13 11:04:00'So this is never matched.
  16. My Debian Wheezy now also got this indicator at last update. That's good to see that btsync is working in the background. But the icon is permanently rotating. Shouldn't that only rotate when the client is syncing something (as Owncloud does)? It's very irritating when it is permanently rotating.
  17. I have the same setup, but that does not work for me. My server has a direct connection to internet, no firewall between. I configured it to port 22222 and unchecked relay,tracker,dht and all those things. My pc sits behind a nat router with dynamic ip. I did the same configuration, but with my server:22222 as predefined host. My pc does not connect to my server, until I check the tracker on both sides. What's wrong with my setup?
  18. I installed btsync server on my webserver, disabled relay, tracker, dht and all the other settings on that page. I configured it to use a fixed port of 22222 and tested with nmap from a remote client that this port is open. Next I installed btsync desktop on my notebook, disabled relay, tracker and the other settings. The only thing I activated was my webserver as a predefined host, with port 22222. But the client cannot find the server until I activate tracker on both sides. What am I doing wrong? I don't want to use a tracker because I think this is a security issue. Everyone who has the secrets for my folders can access them. And at least the tracker has all my secrets. How can I trust the tracker?