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Posts posted by jdrch

  1. I'm running Resilio Sync with a Sync Home Pro license that is working perfectly across 2 Android tablets and 3 Windows PCs. Tonight I tried to add a Linux Mint 18.1 PC by copying and pasting the manual device link key from one of my Windows PCs to the Linux PC, but the latter's Resilio client still shows I don't have Home Pro. For some reason it's just not picking up the Home Pro license at all.

    Any ideas?

  2. FWIW if you're using an Samsung S5, switch to CyanogenMod 13 and enable adoptable storage. This will give you trouble-free access to your SD card with full read-write permissions. It's what I use. I wrote a comprehensive guide on how to get CM 13 up and running on the Verizon S5 here: https://jdrch.wordpress.com/2016/04/17/how-to-unlock-the-bootloader-install-and-update-cyanogenmod-13-0-on-the-verizon-samsung-galaxy-s5/

  3. The 2 files involved that need to be synced are always open on the android phone and occasionally read by a windows system.

    I'm pretty sure this is your problem. Sync by its very nature doesn't support concurrent changes across multiple peers. Also, Sync won't detect a change in a file unless it's saved, and I suspect how that's implemented varies across OSes. Reasonably sure that if you start over from scratch with the folder and save the .XLS files between edits, you should be OK.

  4. There were same database corruptions in Sync 1.4, but then syncing was not stopped. This might have lead to bad results with files corruption, incorrect syncing, etc, well because database is corrupted. 

    Now, when db gets damaged, syncing stops and error message appears. 



    Many Android devices are known to kill Sync in background with "Force stop", which is not a good way to let an app finish its work and save its configs and database, so corruption appears. 

    Fair enough. FWIW since I disconnected and reconnected the trouble folders on phone all seems to be working.

  5. I also had issues with the 1.4 to 2.0 upgrade.  Unfortunately I've unsuccessfully tried to back everything out a variety of ways:

    1 - uninstall 2.0 and reinstall 1.4.65 via the APK

    2 - reinstall 2.0 via the store (which indicated that a 1.4 folder was still present)

    3 - delete all traces of the previous install (by uninstalling, deleting all sync folders including hidden files, and deleting the btsync.zip from the data folder, and then install 2.0 "clean".


    All three share the same issue, I am unable to change the default folder or sync any folder not created and assigned by BTsync.  Any attempt to change folders in 2.0.80 creashes the app.  No attempt to chang folder even proved possible in the reinstall of 1.4.65 mentioned under point 1. 


    Is this part of the same issue RomanZ referenced on the 9thwhen addressing @jdrch?  If so, what is the timetable for a fix?



    From my experience the best (only?) reliable way to migrate from 1.4 to 2.0 is to remove all your 1.4 folders (including associated sync archive files/folders) and create new 2.0 folders. This is tedious, but the good news is there's no data loss and you're quickly back up and running until the Android app (currently a major PITA) throws an error and ruins everything again.


    I migrated to Syncthing today and am seeing how that works out.

  6. Unlikely. 

    was Sync shut down correctly? or was it a "force stop"? This error will appear because database got corrupted. And this may happen if Sync was not closed correctly (for example crashed) and was not able to save its database

    No, it wasn't force closed. I have Battery Saver and Auto Sleep disabled; the client simply went to "idle" in the Android sense while in the notification tray. When I resumed it via tapping the notification, the errors appeared after the folders were loaded.


    As I said, 1.4 never had this issue. You could stop, idle, force close, and resume with no problem. So it would seem 2.0 is less robust for some reason.

  7. Bugs I originally posted about have at least been addressed to the point where I know have a working Windows machines + Android sync set up again. Thanks devs!


    That said, adding folders with many subfolders is still slow. I'm guessing the app scans the folder before it's actually added? If so, I would suggest this scanning process takes place after the add command is complete, i.e. the folder should show up as "Indexing" or "Pre-scanning" instead of the add dialog freezing.

  8. @jdrch

    Could you please share the precise step-by-step scenario? I tried it in the lab with no success: upon folder disconnection Android version of Sync warns that no files are going to be removed and actually does not remove them.


    1) In the Android app, tap the options icon (...) for the disconnected folder.

    2) Tap Remove. You will see a warning that says, verbatim (emphasis mine):


    This folder will be removed from all devices linked to your identity.

    All synced files will be removed from all mobile devices.


    [Cancel] [Remove]




    I interpret the emphasized part to mean the folder's content will be deleted from my phone also, which is the issue I posted about originally. That's a really bad idea.

    The only rationale I can find for this behavior is the Android app was known to not support pre-existing folders by the developers from the start *head explodes with frustration and anger*. Rather than fix that horrific core problem, BT made the decision to address it with the Band-Aid of deleting the folder entirely (WHAT? You're joking, right?) so that subsequent re-adding would work, at the expense of having to re-sync the entire folder from scratch. This is the equivalent of bulldozing a house to fix a window.


    Even if that's what happened, it's extremely wrongheaded. There is absolutely no reason the Android app shouldn't support pre-existing folders; it not doing so defeats much of the purpose of Sync to begin with. Also, pre-existing folders were supported in 1.4.

  9. Looks like I spoke too soon about @wimbit's solution. Woke up to "Unknown error: 110" on my S5 this morning for 3 of the 4 folders I'm syncing.

    *sigh* It gets even worse: even with my S5 on its own identity, trying to manually reconnect the folder using the "Add folder" menu gives a "106" error.

    Just communicated with Sync Help.


    Good news: an Android update is on the way that fixes these problems.


    Bad news: the bug was based on the ridiculous assumption that synced mobile folders would not be pre-existing, i.e. the mobile app supports connecting brand new folders only (WHAT? You're kidding, right?) 


    I'm really scratching my head at the design/decision making process that led to the above.

    Update: I'm strongly suggesting Pro users who've been affected by bugs that prevent them from syncing to request pro-rated refunds http://forum.bittorrent.com/topic/34638-if-youre-a-pro-user-who-suffered-outages-due-to-broken-desktop-or-android-clients-request-a-pro-rated-refund/