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Posts posted by sjau

  1. maybe that's also of use:


    ps aux | grep btsynchyper    30124  2.2  0.1 431204 29236 pts/16   Sl   12:00   0:00 python /usr/lib/btsync-user/ --config /home/hyper/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.conf --iconpath /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/statushyper    30134  0.0  0.0   4444   368 pts/16   S    12:00   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/btsync-user/btsync-starterhyper    30161 93.7  0.5 445608 85208 ?        Ssl  12:00   0:09 /usr/lib/btsync-user/btsync-agent --config /home/hyper/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.confhyper    30232  0.0  0.0  13236   920 pts/17   S+   12:00   0:00 grep --color=auto btsync

    pgrep -u $(id -u) -x btsync-agent30161


    WUI not accessible

    I think I found the problem... or part to it


    the config file in ~/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.conf uses a different port than the config file in ~/.btsync/config.json


    The weird thing is the config file in the .config folder has no login data set...

    However the config file in .btsync does have.


    When using the port from .config and the user login from .btsync I manage to loging.


    Could the python indicator also use the wrong port?

  2. cat .btsync/btsync-user.log 2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 btsync-starter: start2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 make_user_files: User specific files and directories created2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: begin2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: frontend not running but LOCKFILE detected! Strange! btsyncindicator should handle it2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: starting frontend with default config file /home/hyper/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.conf2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: process is NOT running!!!! Something went wrong!2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: end2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 btsync-starter: no running statefile detected - forking runner...2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 agent_runner: begin2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 btsync-starter: end2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 agent_runner: starting up components...2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 make_user_files: User specific files and directories created2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: begin2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: process is running with pid 286182014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_frontend: end2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_agent: begin2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_agent: starting agent with default config file /home/hyper/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.conf2014-02-25 11:46:36+01:00 start_agent: end
    cat .btsync/debug.txt 0000
    hyper@subi:~$ rm -f ~/.btsync/btsync-user.loghyper@subi:~$ btsync debug 0000Enabling verbose logging (Mask: 0000)hyper@subi:~$ btsync restarthyper@subi:~$ BitTorrent Sync forked to background. pid = 28653WARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error messageWARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error messageWARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error messageWARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error messageWARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error message

    no luck.

  3. no it doesn't work.... no matter how long I keep it running, there's the exclamation mark in the systemtray icon and the warning above just keeps appearing. Tried to access the wui anyway but no luck.


    2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 btsync-starter: start2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 make_user_files: User specific files and directories created2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: begin2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: frontend not running but LOCKFILE detected! Strange! btsyncindicator should handle it2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: starting frontend with default config file /home/hyper/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.conf2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: process is NOT running!!!! Something went wrong!2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: end2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 btsync-starter: no running statefile detected - forking runner...2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 btsync-starter: end2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 agent_runner: begin2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 agent_runner: starting up components...2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 make_user_files: User specific files and directories created2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: begin2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: process is running with pid 277692014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_frontend: end2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_agent: begin2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_agent: starting agent with default config file /home/hyper/.config/btsync/btsync-auto.conf2014-02-25 11:40:15+01:00 start_agent: end
  4. Did you add a new version to the repo yet? I just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade but I didn't get a new version. Also, you said that this problem occurse only on old version like 12.04 but I'm running 14.04 and having the same issue.


    Get:1 trusty/main btsync-user all 1.14.2-1 [41.9 kB]

    :~$ btsync start:~$ BitTorrent Sync forked to background. pid = 12695WARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error messageWARNING:root:Communication Error caught, displaying error message



    Hi there


    I have a question relating to .!sync files. What exactely are they?


    I noticed that they sometimes get created (and never deleted). So I wondere if I just could

    find . -type f -iname '.!sync' -exec rm {} \;
  6. First of all BitTorrent Sync isn't just "two-way file synchronization", it's multi-way file synchronization


    You seem to misunderstand the term "two-way synchronization".


    one-way sync:   MASTER  -->  SLAVE

    two-way sync:   NODE  <--> NODE


    From Wikipedia:

    In one-way file synchronization, also called mirroring, updated files are copied from a 'source' location to one or more 'target' locations, but no files are copied back to the source location. In two-way file synchronization, updated files are copied in both directions, usually with the purpose of keeping the two locations identical to each other.



    A bit late but still opting BTSync to go FLOSS

  7. Hi there


    One feature I really miss is that by default btsync doesn't use a config. So whenever you (re)start it, you'll have to remember that you used a config before.


    I think it would be better if btsync would check if there's a "config.conf" or "default.conf" or "btsync.conf" file in the same folder and if it is and if no other config was indicated for btsync start, it should use that one.