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  1. BTSync is Windows 7 64bit on C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync\BTSync.exe remote mode write conf file... run BTSync.exe /config btsync.conf
  2. i'm using BTSync.exe A: Com Share c:\test r/w=ACB673TCLDYAZXBVWRYPYGAP332JZ6BEL r/o=B4NN4WCG3R3VBVQ27DCRH4IB4KQOOOUFP d:\test r/w=ABTKXVA3XRN4FHLWJ7EK37EMQWQUAPDBZ r/o=BB2TGC2WKHU26X2LEF4PJ4ONQ7P3ZCOG7 B: Com add_secret to r/o=B4NN4WCG3R3VBVQ27DCRH4IB4KQOOOUFP to e:\test r/o=BB2TGC2WKHU26X2LEF4PJ4ONQ7P3ZCOG7 to f:\test A: < === > B: data sync get api to or Q? real time get_folder_peers get Event [CallBack] Service how to????
  3. ............. "use_gui" : false, ;< ===debug only "webui" : { [false] set is not using BTSync GUI view can Taskmgr.exe listing on BTSync.exe not view icon/tray...... only access web ui..tooooooo.... "use_gui" : true "webui" : { [true] set is can GUI / webui access....
  4. i'm BTSync to install path : [C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync] install folder list is => BTSync.exe sync.conf config folder path : [ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync] config folder list is => 3DB4B735419B366C322FD10F9817A42973B6091D.db 4DA35176F4656AAAE65F016B52321F4ADA2C8FC6.db 4DA35176F4656AAAE65F016B52321F4ADA2C8FC6.db-shm 4DA35176F4656AAAE65F016B52321F4ADA2C8FC6.db-wal 5793E20B1A00F7AA3685D0DC08EC6A5DC64C697A.db 5793E20B1A00F7AA3685D0DC08EC6A5DC64C697A.db-shm 5793E20B1A00F7AA3685D0DC08EC6A5DC64C697A.db-wal Cache debug.txt settings.dat settings.dat.old sync.dat sync.dat.old sync.lng sync.log sync.pid ie using writen text to [ http://api:secret@ ] Result JSON to { "device_name","MSDN-SPECIAL" "disk_low_priority",1 "download_limit",0 "folder_rescan_interval","600" "lan_encrypt_data",1 "lan_use_tcp",0 "lang",4294967295 "listening_port",49056 "max_file_size_diff_for_patching","1000" "max_file_size_for_versioning","1000" "rate_limit_local_peers",0 "recv_buf_size","5" "send_buf_size","5" "sync_max_time_diff","600" "sync_trash_ttl","30" "upload_limit",0 "use_upnp",1 } http://api:secret@ writen to.. Result [ { "dir","\\\\?\\D:\\adobe" "error",0 "files",7 "indexing",0 "secret","ATGIABCDEFFFF~~~~~~FP4D" "size",361715533 "type","read_write" } { "dir","\\\\?\\d:\\sync_test" "error",0 "files",7451 "indexing",0 "secret","ACUYJ7ABCDEF~~~~~XJNNNK" "size",337319623 "type","read_write" } ] sync.conf is ---------------------- { "storage_path" : "/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync", "use_gui" : true, ;< ===debug only "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "api", "password" : "secret", "api_key" : "my api key" } } ------- you......writen text [;] is not using..too ex) ;< ===debug only it's text delete .......save Administrator is your login propile folder do you make config folder is ?????? what?
  5. writen text to C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync\sync.conf --> { "storage_path" : "/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync", ;// config folder...... "use_gui" : true, ;// false is not GUI mode , true is viewing GUI "webui" : { "listen" : "", ;// real ip and port "login" : "api", "password" : "secret", "api_key" : "your get e-mail api key" } } ---> dos command here C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync>btsync.exe /config sync.conf Enter acess http://your ip:port/api?.....api code writen ie explorer.....accessssss can.. ie 9 is receive code download is api.js... it's api.js type JSON code....
  6. BTSync.exe Installed Folder is [C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync\BTSync.exe] sync.conf to save [C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync\sync.conf] Run [C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync\BTSync.exe] not run BTSync.exe sync.conf writen.....to.. ------------------------------------------- { // path to folder where Sync will store its internal data, // folder must exist on disk "storage_path" : "/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync/.SyncAPI", // run Sync in GUI-less mode "use_gui" : false, "webui" : { // IP address and port to access HTTP API "listen" : "", // login and password for HTTP basic authentication // authentication is optional, but it's recommended to use some // secret values unique for each Sync installation "login" : "api", "password" : "secret", // replace xxx with API key received from BitTorrent "api_key" : "i have api key no..." } } ------------------------------------------- it's run BTSync.exe /config sync.conf ....not run why don't run BTSync.exe ? it's Last version
  7. i'm BTSync.exe using Windows 7 save BTSync.conf saving path to C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync Folder... Writent BTSync.conf ....is -------------------------------------- { // path to folder where Sync will store its internal data, // folder must exist on disk //"storage_path" : "/.SyncAPI", "storage_path": "/Users/Hcom/AppData/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync/.SyncAPI", // run Sync in GUI-less mode "use_gui" : True, "webui" : { // IP address and port to access HTTP API "listen" : "", // login and password for HTTP basic authentication // authentication is optional, but it's recommended to use some // secret values unique for each Sync installation "login" : "api", "password" : "secret", // replace xxx with API key received from BitTorrent "api_key" : "i have api key.........." } } ------------------------------------------------------------ after running Dos Command Prompt typing...to C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync>BTSync.exe BTSync.conf Enter runnig BTSync.exe not access why not access ? the url????
  8. how to control autoit using BTSync ??