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Posts posted by igordata

  1. Hi Sync team!

    I'm using Sync for years at my home and I'm pretty happy, thank you. One of the pain points I meet a couple of times every week is to explain or ask for an explanation about where can I find exact file. Let me now share that pain with you. If that feature request doubles an already existing one - sorry, didn't manage to find it.


    We have a folder with some files in it and it's shared across the family devices, the app works fine sitting in the tray. But every time one of us wants to open the file that the other person puts in the folder or moves in that folder some where - we have to explain where to find that file. Sometimes it's enough to tell "in a folder" and name it. Sometimes not. I ask my wife, she asks me, we show the laptop screen, we share to full path in a messenger, or even post a screenshot. Some of the files have similar names. This one? - No, that one. Some of the files have not being synced yet at all.

    Solution (as I dream it)

    I suggest using a special link to a file not to download, but open the file explorer/navigator with that file selected, or opening that file. So Alice shares a folder with Bob. Alice wants to point Bob to the exact file. Alice creates a link to that file and sends it to Bob. Bob clicks the link, Sync opens the file location in a system file explorer with that file highlighted/selected. Bob says "Thank you". Alice says "You are welcome". The end.

    Example of the link




    Q: Is that a link to download a share file with Sync?

    A: Nope. Only the person, who already has that folder and this file in it will have its location highlighted somehow.

    Q: What happens when the person doesn't have that shared folder?

    A: A Sync message pops up saying "You don't have access to that shared folder"


    Thank you, guys!


  2. Hi.


    I'm playing with btsync for a couple of days.

    For a while I used webui, but now it's not working. I don't know why.

    I've set permissions 777 for "sync" folder. Webui.zip is in it. Owner and group are "btsync", user for daemon is "btsync" too.


    I have tried to change port or IP to listen for webui. No effect. Firewall is disabled.


    Any ideas? =(



    {   "device_name": "CentOS.mini",  "listening_port" : 43030,  "storage_path" : "/var/lib/btsync/sync",  "pid_file" : "/var/run/btsync/btsync.pid",  "check_for_updates" : true,   "use_upnp" : true,  "download_limit" : 0,                         "upload_limit" : 0,   "webui" :  {    "listen" : "",    "login" : "admin",    "password" : "****"  },  "shared_folders" :  [    {      "secret" : "****",      "dir" : "/var/backup",      "use_sync_trash" : false,      "known_hosts" :      [        ""      ]    }  ]}

    I attached debug log without any mentioning about "8888" port or "webui", or just "ui". 


    I do not understand what I am doing wrong. And debug log provide no info about config file and its errors.


    Any advice would be most welcome!



  3. Hi!


    I'm a big fan of bittorrent technology. I hope some day we will use it as direct urls in browser to navigate and load any content in real time.


    Today I decided to make btsync a main tool that will transfer backups of my sites to my PC. I prefer CentOS as server OS. But it's usual repos (main+epel+remi) has no btsync package yet. May be because of beta status of that tool.


    CentOS have very handy way to start and stop daemons, but you need init.d script. Shure, I've found some. While trying to make it all work, I occasionally created a kind of an installation script. And one uninstallation script too.


    So, now I have three scripts for you to share. May be it will be useful for someone.





    This script will install btsync executable into the depths of CentOS.

    You have to put this script and btsync binary in the same folder.

    It do exactly the next things:



    • Creates user btsync if it doesn't exist
    • Creates folders:
      • /var/run/btsync - for a pid file
      • /var/lib/btsync - to store any files btsync need for work (mean only sync folder for now)
    • Creates files:
      • /usr/bin/btsync - executable
      • /etc/btsync.conf - config file
      • /etc/init.d/btsync - to control the daemon
      • /etc/sysconfig/bysync - to set /etc/init.d/btsync script vars (like user, config or pidfile) without editing it.



    This script removes all above, except user and config file.



    To start btsync as daemon in a usual way - chkconfig or "service btsync start"


    I'm not familliar with all that bash script writing. I hope someone could fix if I did something wrong.







    #!/bin/sh# created by igordataprog=$(basename btsync)BINDIR=/usr/binCONFIG=/etc/$prog.confPROGDIR=/var/lib/$progPIDDIR=/var/run/btsync###################################################### Dont change anything below#####################################################BIN=$BINDIR/$progPIDFILE=$PIDDIR/$prog.pid#####################################################function createUser () {  user=$1  if id -u $user >/dev/null 2>&1; then    echo "User $user exists."  else    useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M -U $user || { echo "Can't create user $user."; exit 1; }    echo "User $user created."  fi}function createDir () {  DIR=$1  if [ -d $DIR ]; then    echo "Dir $DIR exists."  else    mkdir $DIR || { echo "Can't create directory $DIR."; exit 2; }    echo "Dir $DIR created."  fi}function chownchmod () {  DIR=$1  chown $prog:$prog $DIR || { echo "Can't change owner and group to $prog for path $DIR."; exit 3; }  chmod 0744 $DIR || { echo "Can't set permissions for path $DIR."; exit 3; }  echo "Owner, group and permissions are set for path $DIR.";}######################################################create user btsynccreateUser $prog#create folders#directory for btsync working filescreateDir $PROGDIRchownchmod $PROGDIR#btsync storage dircreateDir $PROGDIR/syncchownchmod $PROGDIR/sync#directory for btsync pid filecreateDir $PIDDIRchownchmod $PIDDIR#copy executablecp ./$prog $BIN || { echo "Can't copy $prog to $BIN."; exit 4; }chmod 0755 $BIN || { echo "Can't set permissions for executable $BIN."; exit 5; }echo "Executable copied to $BIN and permissons are set."cp ./$prog.initd /etc/init.d/$prog || { echo "Can't copy init.d script to /etc/init.d/$prog."; exit 6; }echo "Init.d script /etc/init.d/$prog created and permissions are set"touch /etc/sysconfig/$prog || { echo "Can't create /etc/sysconfig/$prog configuration file.";}chmod 0644 /etc/sysconfig/$prog || { echo "Can't set permissions for /etc/sysconfig/$prog configuration file.";}echo "Init.d script configuration vars now can be set in /etc/sysconfig/$prog file."if [ -f $CONFIG ]; then  echo "Config file $CONFIG exists."else  echo "{\"device_name\":\"CentOS.btsync\",\"listening_port\":0, // 0 - randomize port\"storage_path\":\"$PROGDIR/sync\",\"pid_file\":\"$PIDFILE\",\"use_upnp\":true,\"download_limit\":0,\"upload_limit\":0,/*  \"webui\" :  {    \"listen\" : \"\",    \"login\" : \"admin\",    \"password\" : \"pass\"  },*//*  \"shared_folders\" :  [    {      \"secret\" : \"VERYSPECIALSECRETPHRASEFORTHATDIR\", // use --generate-secret in command line to create new secret      \"dir\" : \"/path/to/dir\",      \"use_sync_trash\" : false, // enable to store files deleted on remote devices in .SyncArchive folder      \"known_hosts\" :      [        \"\"      ]    }  ],*/\"check_for_updates\":true}" > $CONFIG  echo "An empty config was created.Attention!You have to uncomment webui section and set user and password to access webui at http://localhost:8888 to be able create and share folders.Or uncomment and fill list of shared directories manualy."fi#####################################################echo "Now you can use \"service $prog (start|stop)\" commands.Thanks.Done.";


    #!/bin/shprog=$(basename btsync)BINDIR=/usr/binCONFIG=/etc/$prog.confPROGDIR=/var/lib/$progPIDDIR=/var/run/btsync###################################################### Dont change anything below#####################################################BIN=$BINDIR/$progPIDFILE=$PIDDIR/$prog.pid#####################################################if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then  killall $progfirm -f $PIDFILErm -f $BINrm -f /etc/init.d/$progrm -f /etc/sysconfig/$progrm -f -rf $PROGDIRrm -f -rf $PIDDIRecho "Done.User $prog and config file $CONFIG have to be removed manualy."

    btsync.initd (put to /etc/init.d/ and rename to "btsync")

    #!/bin/sh### BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: btsync# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs# Should-Start: $network# Should-Stop: $network# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5# Default-Stop: 0 1 6# Short-Description: service btsync (start|stop)# Description: Starts the btsync daemon.### END INIT INFO#############################USER="btsync"CONFIG=/etc/btsync.confPIDFILE=/var/run/btsync/btsync.pid#############################prog="btsync"retval=0if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/$prog ];then 	. /etc/sysconfig/$progfi# Source function library.. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions# Source networking configuration.. /etc/sysconfig/network# Check that networking is up.[ "$NETWORKING" = "no" ] && exit 0start() {  if [ -f $config ]; then    echo -n $"Starting $prog: "    daemon --user $USER $prog --config $CONFIG    echo  else    echo "Couldn't start $prog for $USER (no $config found)"  fi} stop() {  echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "  killproc -p $PIDFILE  echo}  case "$1" in start)start;;stop)stop;;restart|reload|force-reload)stopstart;;status)status $progretval=$?;;*)echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/btsync {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|status}"exit 1esac exit 0
