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Everything posted by djsuperstore

  1. I'm having the same issues, slow transfers. How can I downgrade to older version?
  2. 1) The ability to pause sync on a folder while leaving others running. 2) A tab on My Sync Folders allowing user to put a comment about the backup, then have this show up in "Devices" tab on other locations.
  3. Yes I can confirm Folder Containing a file of 307 bytes c:\Customer Mail Order\New\M-1-18764.dat Correctly Snyced With Remote Computer If I move the file to c:\Customer Mail Order\Completed\M-1-18764.dat Sync see's the new file and transfers it, however on the remote computer the original file c:\Customer Mail Order\New\M-1-18764.dat is not removed
  4. I've also noticed that sync computers running is read only mode are leaving files when the master computer has removed them. Both computers are connected with OpenVPN and I'm using WinMerge to check the folders are identical Once I have compared the folders, winmerge (from the view menu) shows a list of "Different Items" "Left Unique Iteme" "Right Unique Items" "Skipped Items" As I'd expect we see .SyncID & .SyncIgnore are different, however I get a list of files that are unique to the computer that is in read only sync mode. If I manually delete them then sync brings them back but with a zero file length as the file doesn't exists on the main computer. If I stop sync on both computers, then delete the files and start sync up again the problem goes away. I also noticed that sync is clever, if you move a file from one folder to another and rather than delete it and re transfer. If simply moves it aswell. I don't know but I think the files I am having problems with are ones that are being moved. I will check next time the error occurs.
  5. Yes I found the same solution, however randomly the same problem occurs and with different files also. Once deleted I ran WinMerge from to confirm that the folders are identical.
  6. I'm getting the following error in the log. Failed to download filespec - PostDownload: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. Indeed I have checked the files and the copy doesn't match the original. Sync is in read only mode,
  7. Thanks for the reply. The reason I'm using SecondCopy is that the backup to the NAS is done once a day to the local lan. I'm running Sync in the NAS and a copy of Sync in read only mode at home to keep an off site backup. Also wondering why Sync uses the sync directory to place these files. Why not keep all of that information in it's own program directory?
  8. I'm using a backup program that copies all of my data from the local hard drive to my NAS For this I'm using SecondCopy with the option "Exact Copy : copy source to destination, delete obsolete files from destination" The problem is that SecondCopy is removing the files / folders that Sync needs to opperate. I can tell SecondCopy to ignore files / folders. Which files / folders does Sync create within the selected directory?