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Posts posted by supernerd

  1. Please refer to the User Guide


    "Priority" is currently handled by Sync itself. Essentially, Sync's aim is to synchronize your files as fast as it can, therefore those devices that are able to deliver data faster will take priority. Now, usually, this will be local devices, so you don't need to worry, but you can't specifically set local to "take priority" over Internet.


    Assuming your devices are still on the same logical network (i.e. your router's DHCP assigns IPs in the same range to both wired and wireless connections), then yes, they will be considered "local"


    I had read the user guide, but the documentation on these is a bit sparse.


    Anyway, you did answer my questions about this so thanks very much!

  2. Greetings,


    I appologize if this has been asked before; I didn't find anything.


    I am trying to find specific documentation on the settings generated by the

    btsync --dump-sample-config

    command in linux.


    I want to understanding these various settings out of curiousity, and I am also trying to make sure of something else:


    <stupid questions>

    How can I be sure btsync is set up properly to transfer using the local network directly when possible instead of over the internet?

    (I still want it to transfer over the internet, just the local network should take priorety.)


    Also, will this local transfer still work when one device(raspberry pi) is hooked up via ethernet and the other device(laptop) is hooked up via wifi throught the same router, or will it go through the internet?

    </stupid questions>


    If someone can point me towards documentation or answer my stupid questions, I will be grateful.


    Thank you!