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Posts posted by louis925

  1. I also encounter the same issue several times. The solution is to turn off BT Sync while you are working on that computer. Note pausing sync will not avoid this issue. You must turn it off completely.


    If the issue happens, don't be panic. You can still find the original file from the ".sync\Archive" folder.

  2. I have both OneDrive and BitTorrent running on my Windows 7 laptop. It seems that BitTorrent can never be idle. It is constantly using about 2~3% of my cpu even though there is no change in any of my files. On the other hand, OneDive can be idle if you are not changing any files.


    So if you just let your computer be idle, the total CPU time of BitTorrent will still increase but the CPU time of OneDrive won't. Why BitTorrent need to use CPU constantly?

