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  1. I also use the Razr I and would really like an x86 app! I would like to use it to back up my photos and videos. Right now I'm using Dropbox for that, but I'm trying to migrate everything to BTSync. For the record, I was able to install the version that's on the page for downloading the Windows XP version of BTSync. The app seems to run just fine, but I have to find a workaround for the fact that Android 4.4 does not give me permission to let BTSync use folders on my SD-card. I'm by no means an app developer, but as far as I know, compiling an app for x86 in Android is actually a matter of letting the SDK compile a seperate APK for x86. I'm not sure how it handles native ARM code though, so that may be the reason the developers have not yet made an x86 specific APK.