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Posts posted by argos

  1. I have set that. One OS is macOS; the other Linux. On Linux I had set it thru the UI which may not take effect until a restart and then perhaps since it isn't in the conf file, it isn't saved. Just edited the .conf on Linux and I'll see. Despite that, it seems a restart behaves differently and maybe causes a rescan on remote machines. Either case, a menu item to initiate sync I think would be useful.

  2. RomanZ, Hope the 2.3.4 comes out soon. On OS X I have only one .syncUser folder though I couldn't figure out how to, if possible, to get btsync to use that, and on Linux, it creates a second one. Hopefully both cases get fixed with the update. In the future I certainly will backup before updates.

  3. Thanks GreatMarko. So there's nothing I can do myself? There's the .syncUser* folder and perhaps some other files that point to it. if there's any manual editing I can do to, that'd be ok. I'm just afraid of it happening again; once before many months ago it happened as well and I'm just afraid that'll happen again.

  4. On 26/2/2016 at 3:48 AM, RomanZ said:

    @mzweck It looks like we've found the root cause. It happens if update is shutting down Sync before it finished to load all the folders. We'll include the fix into next build of course, although the bad news is that we can't fix it in already existing builds and you'll have to remove duplicated folders / readd missing ones manually. I apologize for inconvenience.

    Is there anything that can be done in the mean time? I lost all my sync folder locations in Linux sometime last week, and just now, after an OS X update that after it finished, logged in for a few seconds and then quit back to the login screen, I lost all my sync folder locations in OS X. I have dozens of sync locations and really consider btsync unusable until some fix is released. I tried also to downgrade to 2.3.2, 2.3.1, and 2.2.7 on both OS X and Linux without success.

  5. I have a similar issue, also on Debian. After a machine reboot, btsync wouldn't start so I had to reinstall it. A machine I don't have root access to so installed to my home folder. Afterwards, the sync list is empty and when logging in, a new ~/.sync/.SyncUser* is created right beside the old one. I'm not sure why it doesn't find the old profile.

  6. Hello,


    Often I'm syncing multiple folders and I have a hard time finding out which ones are done and sync time left.


    For instance, I have to open the UI each time to see transfer status and rate. Dropbox makes it simple with a tooltip when you mouse over the icon :




    How tremendously useful that would be.


    For finding out what folders are done syncing, that I'm not sure about. Dropbox has Finder integration with status icons :




    That might not work as well though if it were added for folders, and if there were a way to add an icon to the Finder toolbar, to show folder status, that would save quite a bit of work trying to figure out what's done.