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Everything posted by tamathumper

  1. It happened again, so I uninstalled the app. Haven't had time to re-install yet.
  2. Thanks for your response. This is a relatively small sync folder, with 262 files in 31 folders, for a total of 288 MB. I'm not sure how to check the memory the specific app is using. I cleared the cache yesterday, and it hasn't happened yet today. If it happens again, I'm going to uninstall / reinstall.
  3. For the past few days, my Galaxy S8 has been throwing a system error message from Device Maintenance, stating "Some apps or processes are overloading the system (CPU) and need to be closed." The culprit is always Sync. Has anything changed recently to cause this? I've been running Sync on Androids for as long as it's been available, and I never had a problem like this. Thanks in advance for any insight. Regards, TT
  4. Thank you for a great product so far. I'm writing to say that I find myself missing a feature I enjoyed with Foldershare*, back before Microsoft acquired them. IIRC, with Foldershare you could click on the system tray icon and the context menu would enumerate the folders you were sharing - clicking on one of them would bring it right up. With Sync you currently have to double-click on the system tray icon, then the interface loads (and kind of slowly, at least for me), then you have to double-click on the folder you want to open, then afterwards you have to close the Sync interface. It may not sound like a lot, but it sure is something I miss - that really fast and simple access to shared folders. * I could be mis-remembering which product that feature was in, I've used so many over the years, but regardless it's a feature I miss! Thanks for your consideration.