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  1. You tried on QTS 4.2.2 with this http://syncapp.bittorrent.com/support/ResilioSync_2.4_x86.qpkg ? Maybe try to redownload the qpkg in case your download is broken by some reason? --rgds marcO
  2. All good here! Cheerz! [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/ResilioSync] # ./resilio-sync.sh start Starting resilio-sync service By using this application, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and End User License Agreement. https://www.getsync.com/legal/privacy https://www.getsync.com/legal/terms-of-use https://www.getsync.com/legal/eula Resilio Sync forked to background. pid = 4697 [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/ResilioSync] # ps fax | grep -i resil 4697 admin 33888 S /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/ResilioSync/rslsync --config /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/ResilioSync/resilio-sync.conf
  3. fyi: Resilio Support did a remote session on my NAS - Looks like they tracked down the root of the problem. Expect some fix from them pretty soon.
  4. You're welcome @GeHoGo . Just fyi that i have raised a ticket at Resilio Support for that. Ref#49253 --rgds marcO
  5. HI GeHoGo, I also tried updating this morning from 2.38 to 2.4 on my oldy but goldy QNAP TS439. I used the x86 Version from the Downloadpage and ran also into resiliosync not starting up at all (also tried all other versions available for manual download that are nor ARM) - A fast quick and dirty research by simply starting the resilio binary from shell shows the problem: [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/ResilioSync] # ./rslsync status./rslsync: symbol lookup error: ./rslsync: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE2idE I'm running latest QNAP 4.2.2-something that comes with libc261 Hopefully the devs can fix that shortly? p.s.: the 2.3.8 Version is in the QNAP App Store for direct installing available. Just do a search there and you will ran directly into it ;-) --rgds marcO