Rhys Thomas

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  1. Just to confirm working with Lenovo EMC px6-300d - installation steps as follows: Access the device in your browser at <IP>/manage/diagnostics.html Check "Allow remote access for support (SSH and SFTP)" and assign a password, then apply changes In Terminal, access your device: ssh -l root -p 22 <IP> Type your password preceded by 'soho': soho<password> Access the directory opt/apps: cd opt/apps Download the applicable file for the px6-300d NAS: wget https://download-cdn.resilio.com/stable/linux-x64/resilio-sync_x64.tar.gz Once downloaded, open the downloaded file: tar -xzvf resilio-sync_x64.tar.gz Once installed, remove the downloaded file: rm resilio-sync_arm.tar.gz Access the config file: nano /etc/rc.local and place: (sleep 300; /opt/apps/rslsync) & before: exit 0 to save your changes press ctrl-x (to exit), 'y' (to confirm) and 'enter' (to execute). Reboot your NAS: reboot Once rebooted, re-access your device in Terminal as per the first few steps: ssh -l root -p 22 <IP> Type your password preceded by 'soho': soho<password> Access the directory opt/apps: cd opt/apps And run rslsync, listening on port 8888: ./rslsync --webui.listen You can then access the GUI via your web browser at <IP>:8888 I hope this helps someone - as a beginner with command line I had struggled piecing together the above instructions from the available resources. Also apologies if this doesn't fit within forum rules etc - first post. Rhys