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Posts posted by Flivver

  1. On 6/1/2017 at 0:49 AM, Timbo said:


    That sucks. I thought 2.5.2 was going to be the fix.  On my Playon media PC running version Resilio 2.4.4, it would behave similar to uTorrent in that it would start saving a continuous stream of video to a folder within Resilio sync and get a message about the file being locked. When I ran into this the other day, I updated it from 2.4.4 to 2.5.2 and there was an observed difference in the file locking notifications and the file did get transferred when it was finished streaming. I didn't update my uTorrent PC to 2.5.2 from 2.3.8 mostly because I didn't have time, but now that you confirmed this bug isn't truly solved, I'll hold off on upgrading as well.

    If you do go back to 2.3.8, you will have to setup your sync configuration again.  I believe there were instructions to restore a backup database from 2.3.8 or something, but it didn't work for me.

    "If the exact same task is performed using a manual copy (in Windows Explorer) the file will sync OK."

    You may not notice unless you are running a program that graphs your transmit/receive bandwidth, but when I would manually copy the file, there would be hundreds of kbps of data trying to resend the file over and over and over... (despite the file existing in both folders, the timestamp is messed on one of them so it thinks it needs to resend) you'd have to view the logs to see it if you didn't notice the constant background traffic.  

    Or did you mean this only happens when using the xcopy script? Not that it matters, but any reason you don't just have utorrent copy the file when its completed? I guess if you copy it to multiple places, but ain't that what Resilio is for?


    Investigated this some more. Discovered that if you rename the file or folder after the file has been copied, then reslio doesn't have the lock issue. Also (strangely) it seems that if multiple files were copied (or perhaps because I was using XCOPY /S) then the problem doesn't occur.

    So, I have modifed my uTorrent script that copies the files so that if it is a 'single' copy it will add a "+" to the folder name (then remove after the copy is complete). If it is a "multi" copy (i.e. a set of multiple files and/or folders) that is not necessary. Just in case it is useful to someone, here's the code from the script that is triggered by uTorrent each time the status of a download changes. Once the download is complete, the files are copied to a reslio folder. I have confirmed this works with Reslio 2.5.2 running on Win 7 SP1

    REM %4 is status, value 5 is seeding (i.e. we have the entire file)
    REM %3 is the name; either of a single file or a folder with multiple files)

    SET sDestination=D:\SynchedMedia\Video

    IF %4 == "12" echo %DATE% %TIME%: %3 is queued for download      >> "%sDestination%\uTorrentStatus.txt"
    IF %4 == "6"  echo %DATE% %TIME%: %3 is downloading              >> "%sDestination%\uTorrentStatus.txt"

    IF %5 == "multi" goto foldercopy


    REM We append the "+" to the start of the file name so we can then change the filename back later...
    IF %4 == "5" ( echo D |xcopy %2\%3 "%sDestination%\"+%3  )

    REM Renaming the file works around a problem Resilio Synch has with the file lock; below we are removing the "+" we added before

    ren "%sDestination%\"+%3 %3

    goto donecopy

    IF %4 == "5" ( echo D |xcopy %2 "%sDestination%\"%3 /S )


    IF %4 == "5"  echo %DATE% %TIME%: %3 has been copied to %sDestination%  >> "%sDestination%\uTorrentStatus.txt"

    REM The End






  2. Thanks Helen; although that's useful to know it doesn't really help in my situation, as the machine needs to operate unattended.

    Good to know that your team is aware of the problem - do you have any idea when it may be resolved?

    In the interim, would you be able to post a link to the older version (2.3.8) which others report works? (I really want to be be able to evaluate before purchasing the 'Pro' version and migrating away from DropBox, but need this to work. I'd prefer not to download from one of the 3rd party sites which might have 'dodgy' versions.....




  3. Anyone have a solution to this? I have the exact same issue:

    - Resilio Synch  2.5.2 (966) Home running on Windows 7 Home Premium, 32Bit Sp1

    • Files are downloaded by µTorrent. Once the download is complete, the file is copied by a script (using XCOPY) to another location, which is synched with Resilio.
    • Reslio reports the file is locked, and will not sync it. Lock is shown as never released
    • If you stop/start Reslio it then no longer shows the file as locked, but does not sync it (even though it indicates all files are synced). File never makes it to the other machines.
    • If the exact same task is performed using a manual copy (in Windows Explorer) the file will sync OK.
    • If the destination is a Dropbox folder, sync works perfectly (been using the script to do this for a couple of years)

    This issue is a show stopper; if no solution is available in the current release, then I'd like to try the older version (I see a comment this worked ok in 2.3.8). Is this available as download from Reslio's web site? 

    Hoping someone has a solution....
