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Everything posted by Quix

  1. That’s why I’m putting it as a feature request. I know it’s not possible.
  2. But there is a limit on adding folders shared by others. If I get an invite link, I can’t add it into a folder that’s already shared.
  3. But there is a limit on adding folders shared by others. If I get an invite link, I can’t add it into a folder that’s already shared.
  4. I would like to have a singular txt file on multiple devices, then if it gets edited on one, for the change to share to other devices. I can not figure out a way to do this. Is it possible?
  5. I have my Desktops synced between my PC and laptop. I have it so they have the same contents on their desktops. It works amazingly, except for one thing... I am unable to share folders within my desktop. For example, I have a folder called Project Name on my desktop, I would like to share it with someone else, I am unable to do so, because Sync does not let me have shared folders within shared folders.
  6. I have 2 folders, Project_Name and Project_Name_Submissions I have it set so Project_Name is read only. I would like it so Project_Name_Submissions can only be uploaded to. The problem is that if I give everyone in the submissions folder edit access, they can edit/delete other submissions. Additionally, I would like another option called "Uploaded Only Encrypted Folder", where people can add new files but not be able to see other files. Thanks
  7. I have an advanced folder that I share with people. I give senior team members edit access and other team members read only access. I need to put resilio sync on a server to leave always on, so the files can be downloaded, even when there are no peers. However, I don't want to share the content of the folder with the server. What I want is to be able to enter an encrypted key to my server. Is that possible?