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  1. i with this tricks it worked. I send the invite with the 2nd laptop that is sync with windows folder and it worked.
  2. Hello everyone, i'm tryng to share a folder between two OS (windows and ubuntu) on same pc (on dual boot). I created a folder in windows (it have files inside and is sync with different pc too) and i'm tryng to share it with ubuntu, but the folder stay stuck on pending approval. i tried to check and uncheck the box "All/New peers I invite must be approved by me", using both email and code but nothing, ubuntu stay on pending approval and on windows nothing appear. how can i solve? PS: i read a topic where anyone say to use standard folders (that i already use it) and to use the same key on the 2 different os. So i tried to create the standard folder in ubuntu and to change the key with the same on windows, but it not sync, and if i try to add a link with a windows invite it say the folder already exist.