Syncing with read-only devices


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I'm currently testing some functionality of the sync app (1.1.15) in order to incorporate it in a program. I've tested the following scenario:

Client with read-write key is updating a file that is currently being used (locked) from a different client that has a read-only key. Because the file is in use, it cannot be updated and therefore the update is ignored. Side note, the lock on the file is removed after 30 seconds.

Is this they way syncing is intended ? I'm testing the scenario because ideally i want the read-write client to attempt the update again when the file is currently in use, will the be possible in the future ?


It appears that the sync progress gets stuck on the read-only client that has locked the file. This will clear after ~6 minutes. The status will change back to synced. The read-write client still indicates that it is uploading the file.


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