Select prefered interface for getting to a tracker on Ubuntu


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Hello everyone, I've done my best to search for this question but so far I've come up empty, if you know of any suitable threads already feel free to forward me.

I have an old iMac running Ubuntu at work. The mac has both ethernet and wi-fi connections going but apparently the ethernet connection comes with some sort of array of blocked ports or such, and when using the ethernet connection no syncing occurs.

As soon as I remove the ethernet cable however syncing starts immediatley, so it seems the wifi is clear and good for getting to the tracker. However I've now lost my connection to printers and file servers on the local network. So my question is this:  

Is there any way to make btsync use a prefered network interface? I'm aware that the wev ui can easily be switched to listening only on one interface but I'm wondering if it's possible to also set the interface used for getting to a tracker. Any help/hacks/workarounds welcome.


Also, actual torrents still work fine over that connection though, so I'm unsure what could be blocked.


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First of all it seems that WiFi and ethernet at your workplace do not have the same subnet and/or firewall config, otherwise you would be able to access your local printer from your WiFi. 


Secondly torrent clients do not by default need to have NAT/UPnP enabled or allowed by the firewall/router to function. BTsync on the other hand needs to "poke" holes through your firewall in order to work, either by someone setting up port forwards in the firewall or by using UPnP, which needs to be allowed by the firewall, otherwise clients cannot find each other.


Possible remedies are talking to the admin at work or setting up a VPN (if the firewall allows those). HTH

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