Distributed Web


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I didn't see anyone else mention this but I thought it would be interested to create a distributed web with BitTorrent Sync. We have the IP addresses with Sync's Read-only Secret. So, all we would need would be a DNS (no need for .com/.org/etc or www or http) service that could be hosted with Git also using BT Sync to distribute the files.


We would also need a browser that could serf "Sync Web." Preferably a browser that could serf both the old school web and the new "Sync Web." The browser would give the option to serf Sync instead of the old web and when you leave a web site it could keep the files on your computer for however long you would like before it would delete them (temp files).


A distributed web would also make it possible for you to locally host your files when using it's service. So, if I want a service like EverNote I could have all my text files on my local machine (zipped, of course) with an option of using an ftp to get my files.


Even for video sharing it would be great. You could have a separate secret key for each video. Instead of doing something like youtube. You might still want a central site like youtube to make sure they don't have malicious files attached - but the videos themselves would be set free.


Has anyone thought of this before? I would love something like this. Then the government couldn't black list sites anymore (granted it hasn't ever been a problem for me but I still don't like the idea that some central authority could make it so I couldn't visit a website). Even the browser hosting the Sync sites wouldn't be able to stop you if you put in a sync file directly.

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I guess I found the answer to my question:


The team are also working on a special BitTorrent-powered application, which lets users store and distribute The Pirate Bay and other websites on their own computers, making it impossible for third parties to block them.

This “p2p browser” should be able to keep The Pirate Bay operational, even if the site itself is pulled offline. There is currently no estimated release date set for this second project, but it will take a few more months of development at minimum.

Via http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bays-anti-censorship-browser-clocks-1-million-downloads-131019/

The edges of society seem to come up with a lot of good innovative stuff!

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