Automatically Propagating Btsync Settings To Several Offsite Servers.

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I have bene fiddling around with BTsync ever since its initial public release, and needless to say, its a pretty awesome concept + app and glimpse into the future of distribuited computing.


However, there is something that I am currently struggling with.


I currently have 5 Linux amd64 servers and 2 ARM RPIs, in different offsite locations running BTSync as "backup nodes" for increasing download speeds on my BTsync clients + data resiliency.


The only issue is , that for each folder that I want to add, I have to manually SSH into every single server one by one, mkdir a new directory, then head over the web interface of each server, select the folder and input the secret.


This obviously works fine, however I can't say it's the most practical thing in the world.

Especially now that I have been hosting BTSync folders for both family and business clients, and the amount of folders I have to add is increasing by the day, doing all of this manually is a rather annoying and inefficent time-consuming process.


So I have been wondering, is there any way that I could set up a "master server" or something like that, on which I add a folder+secret, and then such master server propagates the new folder sync settings to the other 6 slave servers, which then go on relying my folders?


I welcome any inputs


Thanks in advance!

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Hi unixunderground,


There is no any centralised server which can force some keys \ folders, but I can advise to proceed with at least 2 solutions:


1. BTSync API. You can use API (which is actually HTTP-based) to control your peers and add folders simultaneously.

2. You can control your btsync with config file rather than with WebUI. And if you do so - you can make a script which connects one by one to all your peers and modifies config file to add new folders with new secrets.

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