Backup Stopping On Ios... Wondering Why!

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As per the topic title (and I tried to search for it, but it either wouldn't let me - I cannot help iOS is shorter than 4 characters - or found too much to be useful), I wonder WHY the backup stops on iOS as soon as the app closes/is backgrounded? There are multiple apps (media players, GPS routes, etc.) that keep working in the background?...


I don't want to have to remember to start the app to backup my photo's... A sync tool like this should always be in the background, synchronizing photos as soon as they are made and a connection is available...

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It is a limitation of the operating system. On iOS 7, applications can run at most 3 minutes (was 10 on iOS 6) after they are sent to background without requiring some special permissions. As you have already noticed, if an app is using location in the background it can run indefinitely, I work for Rove so I know it from experience. It's the same for the apps that plays sound and that have VoIP capabilities, like Skype.


There is also background fetch feature that can restart the apps in the background from time to time, however the timing is not consistent and the duration is still limited, 30 seconds I think, or maybe 3 minutes. Again if the app starts using location during this period, it can run indefinitely.


I believe Apple wouldn't approve an app to have these special permissions without having corresponding features. Background fetch could be enough for syncing newly added photos for example, but than again, there are things like the indexing files, discovering peers that could take much of this limited time the app has in the background.

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