Extremely Slow Sync


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Horrible performance. Maybe it's just setting down but the suggested 35 years to Sync is a bit too long to wait.


This is on a 1Gbps network link that will happily transfer 80MB/s without concern.


I'll give it a couple of days for updates then I'm going back to 1.3.




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  • 2 weeks later...


I also did the mistake and updated to btsync1.4. I have btsync running on 2 Windows devices, one android phone and my raspberry pi. One folder is synced between 3 of those devices, including the raspi. The web interface of the pi shows a data transfer rate of a few bytes up to maybe 10kB/s. Another folder says it would be sending data but it looks like that for 2 days now. All the permissions are alright and it worked with btsync 1.3, so...

What can I do to resolve those probems? I know I didn't provide much information, but what else should I say? It's just not working. And I am using btsync for maybe a year now, so I am quite used to it.

Thanks in advance!

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Let's start with your logs - 10kb/sec looks to be only service data, no actual transfer happens. Could you please turn on debug logs and collect it from both your PI an at least 1 Win machine?



Same for you. I need to take a peek into debug logs. Please send it to me via syncapp@bittorrent.com, note this topic in subject.

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I installed version 1.4 of BTSync to get my home and lab PCs synced. I used BTSync to sychronize research data and papers I am writing. I had been previously using 1.2 and 1.3 with success.


I have ~20GB of data to sync. Most files are < 10MB in size and many are small text files of recorded data (<100KB).


Transfer rates range from 1-300KBps at times, though occasionally it drops as low as 500Bps or less. I'm having some difficulty determining exactly where the bottlenecks are. It could be that the small file size is the primary issue.


The "server" machine (the one with the 20GB on it right now) is at my home so I have control over NAT and firewall there. For the work Machine, I lack control over ports and throttling, which might be the issue (though 500Bps seems remarkably low).


What are the major things I should explore to improve transmission rates? 13 days seems a bit dramatic for transfer time, at that rate it's better to revert to sneakernet.

Edited by jeriktelorian
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  • 1 month later...

How do you want me to tell you the percentage of BW used? Regarding the disk_priority setting, I have set this to false and it does not appear to have made any difference

I am not sure if its related but on the "master" server I see the following in the logs 

[20141103 22:54:54.148] SyncFolderNotify: "2014-11-03-2200.txt", event = "IN_MODIFY"[20141103 22:54:54.148] [OnNotifyFileChange] "/opt/customer_home/57801/logs/2014-11-03-2200.txt", source = "NULL"[20141103 22:54:54.148] SyncFolderNotify: "2014-11-03-2200.txt", event = "IN_MODIFY"[20141103 22:54:54.148] [OnNotifyFileChange] "/opt/customer_home/57801/logs/2014-11-03-2200.txt", source = "NULL"[20141103 22:54:54.148] SyncFolderNotify: "2014-11-03-2200.txt", event = "IN_MODIFY"[20141103 22:54:54.148] [OnNotifyFileChange] "/opt/customer_home/57801/logs/2014-11-03-2200.txt", source = "NULL"[20141103 22:54:54.148] SyncFolderNotify: "2014-11-03-2200.txt", event = "IN_MODIFY"[20141103 22:54:54.148] [OnNotifyFileChange] "/opt/customer_home/57801/logs/2014-11-03-2200.txt", source = "NULL"[20141103 22:54:54.148] SyncFolderNotify: "2014-11-03-2200.txt", event = "IN_MODIFY"[20141103 22:54:54.148] [OnNotifyFileChange] "/opt/customer_home/57801/logs/2014-11-03-2200.txt", source = "NULL"

Please note that /opt/customer_home is the root of the share and my IgnoreFile is as follows:

[root@wh2 btsync]# cat /opt/customer_home/.sync/IgnoreList/*/logs/*/*/reports/*/*/records/**.tgz*.tar*.cdr.json*.cdr.csv*.txt.tgz*.tar.gz*.pdf*.exe*.dmg*.zip
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