Unable To Install Bittorrent Sync


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I decided to give BitTorrent Sync a try today. Ive successfully set it up on my phone, my laptop, my home server but not on my main desktop PC.


Whenever I try and install it on there it tells me that Sync requires Internet Explorer 9 or later to function. Ive disabled Internet Explorer (as I only use Firefox) on all my machines (On all other machines I do get a notification saying that IE9 is missing, but that it will use my other webbrowsers WebUI instead except my desktop where it just refuses to install), so I find it very weird that it only causes a problem on one of them.


All machines are running Windows 7 x64.

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The issue you describe is very strange.

1.4.72 build contain no warning at all.

1.4.75 contains a warning that it won't work due to pre-IE9 version.

1.4.82 contains a warning that it will open UI in default web-browser due to absence of IE9 or newer.


Warnings in .75 and .82 build are located in the same area and message from .75 physically does not exist in .82 build. I suggest double checking that you are using proper build version (you may open your binary properties to check the version).

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