Locked Files


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I am a new user with Bittorrent Sync. I have only played with it for a few days now. So far I am synching the usb drive on my laptop with my main computer. At this time I have only done the synch on my local network.


I noticed today that my laptop is telling me I have 4 locked files. Through searches I see that the app has no way to tell me which files are locked. I did google searches to figure out how to use terminal to unlock all files and have had no success.


The app is still saying that 4 files are locked. 


My main computer does not seem to notice anything is locked. It just has a green circle.


Is there a good resource I can use to find the locked files and unlock them?


Thanks very much

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What's Keeping Me? then? Or command 'sudo lsof' in Mac's Terminal (actually What's keeping me? is the frontend for lsof). 

Or nay other utility that you might like.


Also, if there is a chance to have files with "locked" flag (as can be set in a file's info), you may remove it with 

chflags -R nouchg /path/to/the/folder

note that in this case all flags in the folder and subfolders will be removed. So use it wisely if you need to preserve it for some files. 

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So when I run What's Keeping Me it says that Bittorrent Sync is the program that is locking the file.  I also have two other folders I am syncing in one direction that show up as Out Of Synch on the main machine, yet have a green circle on the backup machine.


Should I be using a different version of this software? Is there an official channel I can go to in order to get help on this? So far this software does not seem to be doing a very good job synching and I am using it on a local network. 


Any  help would be great


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I also have two other folders I am syncing in one direction that show up as Out Of Synch on the main machine, yet have a green circle on the backup machine.


Enable "overwrite any changed files" option on RO peer (your backup machine). These statuses (Out of sync vs Synced) appear if files were changed on RO peer. 



Should I be using a different version of this software? Is there an official channel I can go to in order to get help on this? 

yes, write to syncapp@bittorrent.com, put a link to this topic and say "for Helen" , and collect and attach logs from this mac by this instruction . Thank you! 

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Helen. Thanks for the tip on 'Overwrite any changed files' option. Although I dont know how the files would have been changed on the backup machine. It is a headless mac that is only used for backups and that is it. But setting that flag seems to have taken care of the Out of Synch message.


I will continue to work on the locked files issue over the next while and get back to you with any log files that may help with the troubleshooting. I am just starting a round the US road trip so I will work on this as time permits.


Thanks so much for your help Hellen. I am really hopeful that this software will be my solution once I get these little things worked out.

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sure, have a nice trip :) 

A little tip: try looking at Activity monitor on the peer where you see locked files and stopping the processes that might be using the files. 

Also, this might be just a UI issue and even though there are no files locked, and all are correctly synced, UI will still say  you "X locked files"

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