Synology Hibernate Error

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My NAS (215j dsm 5.1) is woken up each 20 minutes by bittorrent sync (latest release 2.0).
I added to sync.conf  "config_refresh_interval", "config_save_interval" and "folder_rescan_interval" with high values but without effect.
After searching for a day in logs I found a pattern in the wake-up of the NAS and an error in the bittorrent sync.log. 
A few seconds after the following error (in the sync.log) the message "internal disk woke up from hibernation" is posted.
[20150311 22:26:38.156] UPnP: Device error "myIP:5000/ssdp/desc-DSM-eth0.xml": (-2)
[20150311 22:26:38.299] UPnP: Device error "myRouter:49152/description.xml": (-2)
What is causing this error and how could I solve this?

Edited by alexx
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  • 1 month later...

Hi All, Just wanted to ask if anything else was mentioned about this issue, I do have the same issue with Harddrive being woken up every 20minutes. 


Synology: DS215j

Version: 2.0.105-1


Starting to use BTSync more and more, but would really like hibernation on the internal HDD on Synology, Dont like wear and tear, 

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  • 10 months later...

Dear RomanZ,

i am Standing at the beginning, so what i see is, i set Folder_rescan_interval to 86400, but inside the webgui, i see last synch 600s ago. This seems to me, that the Default Setting is used.

Anyway, i also set the other value to.

P.S.: if i open the Settings.dat via vi, i see my value 86400 inside, so something went wrong.

with regards


Edited by NaCkHaYeD
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@NaCkHaYeD It is okay. Note, that your NAS peer keeps connection to other peers that still DO have 10 minutes rescan interval. So if they notice some changes - they'll let your NAS know and do actual Sync (and, of course, wake up HDD). So your HDD will sleep if nothing is actually changing also on other peers.

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Dear Roman,


no other Peers doesn´t Keep Connection to me.

i installed the same Version of btsynch on both of my NAS Systems. Both are connected through a VPN Tunnel. On both Btsynchs i disabled "use relayserver", "use trackerserver", "search local lan". Only predefined host are enabled, where NAS 1 got IP of NAS 2 and NAS 2 got IP of NAS 1. So hopefully, i only have one bi directional communication through the VPN Tunnel.

If both btsynch running, everytime i got last synch after 10min, which seems to me, that my Setting of 86400s is ignored by the Default value of 60s






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  • 4 months later...


Dear Romanz,

I have recently bought a DS216j and installed Sync 2.3.8-1. I have the same issue as NaCkHaYeD, dstroy, and others : disk of my DS never goes to hibernation when Sync is active (while it does when Sync is stopped). I tried all the settings on the page you linked (older_rescan_intervalconfig_refresh_interval, config_save_interval, md_update_interval set to 21600, enable_journaling set to false, and "Enable debug logging" unchecked) but that does not work, the disk still never goes to hibernation.

Hope you can help to fix this issue.


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Dear Romanz,

did you also check the debug.txt. In my case, there was 8000000 instead of 0. This causes the hibernate failure at last.

At the Moment i am running the 2.3.7-1 Version of BTSync, on a DSM 5.2-5644 Update 5 (415play), DSM 5.2-5644 (115j).

I don´t really know at the Moment, if this is a normal, or a Special Version from April 2016.

with regards


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