[Solved] Raspberry PI 2 B Folder Permissions with BT Sync

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I have followed all instructions http://blog.bittorrent.com/2015/09/04/sync-wd-raspberry-pi-2/ for software install and formatting http://community.wd.com/wstd/attachments/wstd/wdlabs/26/1/Partition%20Format%20Mount%20Instructions_v02.pdf

I set my mount location for /mnt/data just like the WD instructions said to do. BT Sync says "Your config file prevents you from accessing this directory." when I go to choose the /mnt/data folder as my sync folder.

Any thoughts on this or what I can do specifically to get BitTorrent Sync access to the folder? 

Many thanks in advance!


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I get the error in the Web GUI when trying to set the default sync folder (under preferences) or when I try to change the sync folder to /mnt/data. It works fine as long as I use a folder inside the user directory. I have a 32GB micro SD card so I have some breathing room but I would really like to use my 1TB WD PI Drive. 

Do I have to edit the sync.conf file to set that? I feel like this is more a permission problem for BTS accessing a folder outside the user directory. 

Reading through all of the articles, I do not remember this coming up. I am not Linux Guru but I am not totally foreign to it either. Any help would be great and much appreciated.


Edited by gabled-bravado-dell
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  • 10 months later...
On 2/22/2016 at 8:26 PM, RomanZ said:

@gabled-bravado-dell The issue is in the config file, /etc/btsync/config.json. All you need to do is to edit it as @iswrong advised in his post. Alternatively, you can just remove the outdated DEB package that you get in PiWD article and install a new one we've published recently.


I am having exactly the same problem here. I edited config.json as @iswrong suggested, with path to my USBHDD location. Unfortunately I still get the same "Your config file prevents you from accessing this directory" error.

My config.json looks like this now:

  "listening_port" : 0,
  "storage_path" : "/home/pi/data/.syncsystem",
  "pid_file" : "/home/pi/data/.syncsystem/btsync.pid",
  "use_upnp" : true,
  "download_limit" : 0,
  "upload_limit" : 0,
  "delete_folder_from_disk" : true,
  "folder_defaults.delete_to_trash" : true,
  "webui" :
    "listen" : "",
    "directory_root" : "/media/pi/USBHDD/Resilio Sync"
  "vendor" : "PiDrive",
  "display_new_version": false

I am runing this on Raspberry Pi 3 - Rasberian OS - WD My Cloud formated as ext4. 

Any idea? Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you!


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6 hours ago, Helen said:

This is your directory root. This line means that you won't be able to add folders located above this directory. What directory you're trying to add? 

Thank you, Helen, for your responce! I have managed to fix the problem. All I had to do is restart sync service.  9_9 Sorry! 9_9


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