Starting 2 BTSync processes on synology

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@norbert78 A single instance of Sync only operates with one identity. So indeed, you'll need another instance to link another identity. Technically, it is possible - though, you'll need to manually start another instance of Sync. You can use the same binary, while you'll need a new config file (sync.conf) pointing to another service flies location ("storage_folder" field).

Could you please share your use case and why do you need 2 identities?

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Thanks for your reply. Is there any documentation you are aware of that would tell me some more about the structure of btsync? Is it only the one binary that I'll need to start and how could I point it to a separate config? Also, I guess that one of the instances would have to run on non standard ports....

 Use case is simple: my wife uses btsync as well and has a different identity. We would like to use e same NAS to have our file s always online.



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Sync structure is rather simple. It's standalone binary. It wants to store files DB and its service data somewhere, all created during first startup. It also creates special .sync subfolder in every folder you sync - that's it.

You can run sync binary as is, or with --config <config_path_and_name> switch. If you grep your process list on Syno for btsync, you'll see that it is started with config. See here on config internals. The minimum you need to specify are:

- storage_folder to store Sync's data (ensure that user running sync has permissions to access there)
- webui -> listen to specify port for webui (it is 8888 by default and may overlap with your instance from package)
- device_name to ensure you differentiate between instances.

listening_port is randomized and checked for availability, so it is unlikely will overlap with existing instance.

Note, that you won't be able to sync same physical folder with 2 instances. Once you add the folder to instance A, instance B will lose access to the folder.

Hope it helps.

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