[Solved] Sync for Synology

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Hi Helen, 

Sorry i didn't get back it does in fact work now. I had to go in and manually delete all the folders I'd made earlier as it was a bit confused but one restart and reinstall later and its finally syncing!

I upgraded to Pro on all my desktop and the NAS too so hopefully it works forever :)

Thanks for all you help - great customer support.


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Sorry for some kind of cross posting: I do not dare to update my DSMs to 6.0.1-7393 as it says that Bittorrent Sync would no longer work (without giving any specific reason). Do I have to interpret this thread that BTSync is compatible after all? I kept updating my BTSync installations and hoped for some sign of compatibility, but did not get any. If you say that it is safe to do the DSM upgrade and then to manually install the most recent version, I would do so.

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