Synology Photo station don't work with Sync

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I'm experiencing problems with Sync 2.4.1 (672) and DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 2

I set up Sync to send photos from my android phone to synology. It works great but new photos aren't detected by Synology and aren't indexed so Photo Station don't show them.. If I manually upload photos to the same folder in synology via ftp or samba they are catched immediately an shown in Photo station. So it looks like a Sync's compatibility issue..



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Dovydas, it's very unlikely to be a compatibility issue. Sync is using standard POSIX interface to file system to read/write files in any Linux, and DSM is not an exception here. There are a number of ways how any app can detect changes in file system, I strongly suspect as all the network access daemons and photo station are done by Synology, they got some integration to detect file changes and are not using standard. After manual re-index, Photo Station detects new files as it should

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i have a similar issu with the Video Station, new synced Files with Resilio Sync are now indexed.

the only solution is to create a scheduler Task in Synoloy with this script =>  synoindex -R [video|music|photo|playlist|all]


synoindex -R photo => PhotoStation index rebuild

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