Sync on Synology not starting up

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Hi there. 

Hope someone can help me to get Sync started on my Synology. I'm new on using linux/terminal, so please be indulgently.

Here are some data: 

Synology DS214 (Firmware DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 9) with manually installed Sync Version 2.4.4-1 (downloaded from here: armadaxp) . Sync does not start up after installation, popup tells me "the package manager could not be started". Btw, I was wondering, why Sync does not show up in the package center, although I've added Synocommunity-packages to it?!
Admin account is activated, Synology Firewall is turned off (I use the NAS only in my private LAN). 

Tried to start sync manually via SSH 

/usr/local/resiliosync/bin/rslsync --config /usr/local/resiliosync/var/sync.conf

Output is: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

Anyone any ideas, of how to solve this problem?  Would be really appreciated! 




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try arm build: 
cd /usr/local/resiliosync/bin/
mv rslsync rslsync1
tar zxvf resilio-sync_arm.tar.gz
/usr/local/resiliosync/bin/rslsync --config /usr/local/resiliosync/var/sync.conf


If that does not help, collect dmp files from  /usr/local/resiliosync/bin/ and send to support. thanks  

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