Stop (and restarting) indexing on folder


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I need to synchronize some Virtual Machine (Vmware) , that are splitted in sever files.

Basically synchronization have to happen when machine is turned off, so i need to stop synching whenever i open a Virtual machine.

Is there a way to stop indexing on folder and restarting only when i need it?

If a put the folder in pause i see indexing happening in background (lot of i/o on disk)


Apparently unique solutio is to turn off the sync process and restart when i shutdown the machine

Any idea?

Thank you

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Actually, when paused, either a separate share or the whole Sync app, files are still indexed. Pausing only stops download.

You might want to disable system notifications and increase rescan interval in power user settings. So Sync will not be notified about whatever files are changed and will rescan the share only at defined intervals (you may put a few hours, for example). This affects all shares in Sync. To force rescan when you need it, restart Sync. 

otherwise, just quit Sync when you don't want it to sync files. 

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Ok thank you for the info.


I don't know if could have sense to disable indexing if folder is in pause, i.e if i put in pause a folder it did not need any indexing from my point of view, it will be indexed when the folder will be not in pause .

May be this could be a new feature or enhanchments?


Thank you

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