Duplicate identities being created in .SyncUserXXX folder


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Regarding this (old) issue. I'm running Sync 2.6.0 on a few devices (Mac Mini, MacBook, iOS, Synology NAS). Every day or so, I am finding in Settings > Identity that there are duplicate devices being created. E.g. "macbook" will show up 4 or 5 times. When I see this, I can shut down Sync, go into the Sync storage folder e.g. $HOME/Library/Application Support/Resilio Sync/.SyncUserXXXXXXXX/ and examine the info.dat files to see which duplicate identity belongs to which device.  Then I can throw away all the duplicates, keeping only the most recent identity (1 for each device). But this is very tedious to do, and I don't understand why it's happening. I think it may have something to do with connecting to VPNs - which I do a lot from my macbook, maybe Sync is seeing the network change and somehow (mis)detecting it as a whole new device? Not sure. 

I have already tried a "full reset" - unlinking all devices, deleting Sync and then re-installing/re-linking folders. This didn't work, and I am still finding that the dupes are appearing regularly. This is mostly an annoyance/cosmetic issue since the actual Sync functionality is working normally. But I'd like to see it get fixed, as it apparently has been a known issue for at least 3 years...

edit: before someone suggests it, I've already gone into power user preferences and set peer_expiration_days to 0. All that does is help keep the peer list down, so instead of saying "peers online: 2 of 9" it will say "2 of 2" - but it does nothing to prevent or remove the zombie identities.


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