Problem with synchronisation residues.


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If I close/open Resilio or restart the machine, it is the same:

A connected folder (non-selective advanced folder) never ticks as synchronised on one side and there is still a percentage which can even be '0' and the circle indicating this. There is no anomaly message, and the sizes can be different on both sides. The filters are identical on both sides.

The only solution if found is to re-index the file. Then an anomaly occurs (orange triangle with '!') telling me that a number of files are impossible to download. When I want to check what it is, I find files that have been deleted or moved a long time ago, or temporary files that have been deleted as soon as they have been used. 

After this check I ask Resilio to ignore the list and everything is fine... Until the next time.

This is probably a more or less normal operation to avoid losses in complex circumstances. Ok, but it only creates incomprehensible and worrying things when you care about your data.

The logic of the system makes it complex to reindex a single file and even worse for all of them, on all workstations, which I would like to be able to do from time to time, in a single pass on each workstation...

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