Subdirectory per device


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I'm a long term user of Sync, already used it since it was a closed alpha.

Because I like it a lot I have a pro license and I run it on my own build NAS.

Since I've build a new NAS I do want to use it a bit more organised though.

Since I use sync a lot to save all the photo's from my phone, just like other family members, it would be nice that sync running on my NAS creates a directory for each device.

Now I have a lot of directories starting with DCIM such as: DCIM, DCIM (1), DCIM (2) etc...

Instead I'd like it:



Is this possible to configure? I haven't found out how yet by digging in the forum and configuration files.

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If I understood correctly that you want to create directories, how


is not a problem. These are physically created and connected accordingly. However, if this is to be done in connection with the Pro license and you have a license, this is not possible in my opinion, since each instance can only assume one identity. Therefore I would advise you to use standard folders with key exchange.

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