Resilio Slow to Start Syncing Between NAS Devices

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I've been using Resilio for years, syncing two folders between a couple Synology NAS offsite. Syncing was always fast and reliable, sync would start as soon as I dropped files in the sync folders.

I've since moved to QNAP NAS and now it takes between 10 and 20 minutes before Resilio will notice there are new files to sync. Anyone know if there is a solution to this issue?

I'm using the latest Home Pro 3.0.0 (1409)

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To get immediate updates about file changes and start delivering changed files, Sync subscribes to OS notifications. Different operating systems have limitations for folder-monitoring applications. For example, if a file is in a deeply nested folder on a Windows PC, it will not send change notifications for these deeper levels. To cover such cases, Sync periodically re-scans all folders for changes. The default period for such rescans is set to 600 seconds (10 min).

Sounds like your NAS doesn't send file change notifications. To get changes from such NASes synced faster, one can reduce the periodic re-scan interval (but one shouldn't make it too short, since the re-scan itself also takes time). Another option is manual (forced) "Rescan" of the share (via shared folder preferences) after the important changes have been made that should be synced to other peers ASAP.

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