Bug Report: Error opening ...!sync files

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I couldn't find a bug tracker and I didn't find anything in a forum search, so I thought I'd put my problem here:

When trying to sync two clients on a local network, it gets stuck in an apparent busy loop where the SyncApp client is using maximum bandwidth and growing the logs with repetitive entries of:


[20130208 10:28:01] ReadFile error: liblapack.so.3gf:9977856:16384:16384:3
[20130208 10:28:01] IO Error:2 line:382 align:-99 pos:-99 count:16384 actual:0
[20130208 10:28:01] ReadFile error: liblapack.so.3gf:9994240:16384:16384:3
[20130208 10:28:40] Error opening "/home/jason/syncapp/GSP/papers/12-fall/bma-related/03-friedman-bayesian-structure-di
[20130208 10:28:40] Error opening "/home/jason/syncapp/GSP/papers/12-fall/bma-related/03-friedman-bayesian-structure-di
[20130208 10:28:40] Error opening "/home/jason/syncapp/GSP/papers/12-fall/bma-related/03-friedman-bayesian-structure-di
[20130208 10:28:40] Error: 03-friedman-bayesian-structure-discovery - WriteToDisk: No such file or directory
[20130208 10:28:40] Error: 03-friedman-bayesian-structure-discovery - WriteToDisk: No such file or directory


[20130208 10:45:55] Error: normalization-methods-for-arrays-2003-Bolstad.pdf - WriteToDisk: No such file or directory
[20130208 10:45:55] Error opening "/home/jason/syncapp/GSP/papers/12-fall/bma-related/03-friedman-bayesian-structure-discovery.!sync":
[20130208 10:45:55] Error: 03-friedman-bayesian-structure-discovery - WriteToDisk: No such file or directory
[20130208 10:45:55] Error opening "/home/jason/syncapp/GSP/research/manasvi/mirna/papers2/manasvi-expression-microrna-chemo-protective-diet.pdf.!sync":
[20130208 10:45:55] Error: manasvi-expression-microrna-chemo-protective-diet.pdf - WriteToDisk: No such file or directory
[20130208 10:45:55] Error opening "/home/jason/syncapp/GSP/research/manasvi/mirna/papers2/normalization-methods-for-arrays-2003-Bolstad.pdf.!sync":
[20130208 10:45:55] Error: normalization-methods-for-arrays-2003-Bolstad.pdf - WriteToDisk: No such file or directory

Which blew up to 190MB after a few minutes.

I tried searching for files ending in !sync, but couldn't find any of the files mentioned in the logs (just one other file that seemingly was not mentioned).

Any ideas?

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@kos13: It turns out that /home/jason/syncapp/GSP/papers/12-fall/bma-related is actually a broken symlink to a non existent folder. So in that sense it does not have permission to write.

Also, the (broken) symlink itself is fully owned by the user that SyncApp is being run under.

And I think it is the case that the symlink is broken on one client, but still functioning for the other (as it points to somewhere outside of the SyncApp controlled folders).

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