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Posts posted by paya

  1. Thank you, the problem was in several mistyped commas. Now it works like a charm. But by defining the directories in sync.conf I've lost the possibility to see the sync status in web interface. Is there any possibility to see it on my NAS? I know that I can see it in other clients, but seeing it in NAS is much simpler.

    I don't need it just in web interface, some CLI command or parameter is fine too.

    Is it possible? Or another item to wishlist?

  2. Hello,

    I use BTSync 1.0.134 on my DNS-320. It works great, order to let my disks sleep I start it using cron twice a day for few hours and then I kill it by cron. After few days BTSync loses settings of shared directories and secrets (which I set up using web interface).

    Is there any way to preserve the settings? I tried to type the directories into sync.conf, but I cannot find the right syntax, it just doesnt do anything.

    Can anybody post the example of setting multiple directories through sync.conf?

    Thank you