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  1. Bittorrent support identified the problem in my case, which was the existence of some directories with names terminated by spaces. Removing the spaces did the trick for me (sync has now completed for the first time).
  2. OK, I've just sent the logs to
  3. OK, I now have 1.1.15 on the mac and pC ends. I removed my shares and uninstalled the older versions to start from scratch, then recreated the shares. I'm again getting infinite sync on various files. There's clearly a reproducible bug here.
  4. Many thanks, that's straightforward enough.
  5. And if so, what's the procedure? Is it just a matter of deleting the share, then recreating using the same secret, but pointing to the new folder/dir location?
  6. Nope, OS X. Oddly, it didn't happen initially -- ie. it ran for over a day without crashing (albeit not very usefully, because of the infinite syncing). But now it crashes every run.
  7. OK, thanks. Since posting, 1.1.12 has started crashing on every launch. I've sent the crash dump to support. I was on the verge of giving up and going back to rsync, but BTSync gets so much right, I'll keep fiddling for a bit longer.
  8. I'm using 1.1.12. This problem was also occurring with an earlier build I had installed (don't remember which), and I tried 1.1.12 to see if it would fix it.
  9. I've been trying BTSync to sync a set of folders between a mac and PC. These folders already existed on both ends, with near-identical contents (a few moves and additions on one). What I've found is that the sync never completes. Files on the mac side of the sync are shown in the 'Transfers' section of the app to be uploading to the PC, essentially forever. I have sent logs to the support folk, but heard nothing back (that's not a complaint, btw, this is so far a free service and I know how time-consuming support can be). I don't want to spend lots of time looking into this, as I have messed more than I'd like with Cubby, AeroFS and others and just want a working solution (sync really does seem to be a hard problem, since so few options work reliably) I'm about 80% decided to just go back to running rsync or unison regularly. But just in case, I'd be interested to know if (1) if anyone has seen this specific problem and knows of a workaround or fix, and (2) whether my setup (pre-existing dirs/files on both ends) is supposed to be supported by BTSync (I've had a search around the FAQs etc and haven't come across anything). Would it be worth my while removing my BTSync shares, deleting all the files from (say) the PC, and then re-adding the shares again so BTSync is in charge of populating the PC end? Thanks.