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Posts posted by evo

  1. Hi folks. Since installing BT Sync a few days ago, I have twice experienced a similar problem. On each occasion several random folders have been deleted without any warning, and seemingly without any specific trigger event. Any help appreciated (although I suspect this may be buggy behaviour to be resolved in later versions).

    My setup:

    2 PCs running Win 7

    - BitTorrent Sync version 1.0.134

    - Computer A holds original directory which holds the shared directory and on which the r/w key was generated.

    - Computer B running a sync'd copy of the directory. This computer does from time to time go into hibernation.

    - Time and date on both computers are identical.

    Files seem to be deleted from both computer A and computer B, since most deleted files seem to appear in the .SyncTrash folders on each of computers A and B.

    Additionally extra folders have been created in the .SyncTrash directories. These directories have Windows NT style shortened directory names with 6 characters ending in a tilde (~1), For example if the original directory name was "long folder name", then the newly created .synctrash folder would be called "LONGFO~1". I haven't been quite able to work out if these folders are being created on the computer which was doing the deleting, or the other one which was subsequently being synced..

    I appreciate I am not running the latest version ot BitTorrent Sync, and hopefully any upgrade will resolve this problem. However any feedback most welcome. At this point I am very wary and reluctant to use the product if there is even a remote chance this problem can re-occur.

    Any help appreciated!