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Posts posted by sbseed

  1. Just an idea... Couldn't find it on the forum.


    Is it possible to create a "href" (link) to a key?

    To add it directly by clicking and start syncing after selecting the folder.


    Tried to create an example... but the forum does not allow me to.


    actually, all you would need to do is create a link to BTsync and then put your hash key up for ppl to copy... doing a linkup for BTsync directly to the sync folder would defeat the purpose of BTsync... from my point of view anyways.


    if you only wanted certain ppl to have access via a public hash, then a password would need to be added to the folder itself that you would have to pass out... again this would pretty much defeat the purpose of BTsync since you would essentially have two passwords.


    that said, it should be possible to do a direct link using a server to be setup as a DNS type replacement to search for your BTsync client/IP/Hash-Key/Folder among several thousands of clients... a pain in the ass, as far as coding and setting up a server BTsync file and then create client credentials and reporting between them.

    this would make BTsync useless as a private share program, because then it would be totally public instead of direct connection shares for syncing folders... would also create a nightmare in regards to the program client/server side programming, trying to keep out hackers etc. from gaining access via the the public link and public server acting as a DNS for the Hash-Keys for folders which also then have to be singular to every single BTsync Client.

  2. what is needed (not just for wishlist):

    1) incoming settings for setting up in a different area other than default 'share' and sync location...

    2) ability to setup a specified folder for incoming and/or outgoing syncing... this would allow people to setup a outgoing share sync on a folder as well as a incoming only sync folder, as well as folder that can default to do both incoming and outgoing syncing. (too allow extra protections and better control of sync folders)

    3) ability to setup a sync that works from a 'secret' setup without being forced to save to a single pre-picked folder in no-mans land data files that are a pain to get to or access without using BTSync.

    4) setup each folder to have separate settings from other folders as far as download/sync times during a given day/day per week/week per month... if someone wants to setup a specific download/sync for time and day and specified time of week and month, similar to some download apps.

    5) better explained settings in preferences for general setup of BTSync, such as changing if you want the program to start with windows or to start and run at certain times of the day or night.

    this should include the ability to keep or change base default locations for setting up/deleting sync folders and/or sync files from those folders.

    including nesting of folders if someone wants to create a form of determination on what content from a specific source will go to a specific folder, to help keep things organized such as video/pics/audio/music/games/apps/etc..

    6) keep records of what is downloaded from where (on the cloud) incase something happens and someone needs to redownload/resync files... (HDD dies, connection issues causing errors with files, etc.) this way sync files can be recovered once connections/sync is re-established.

    7) ability to turn some safeguards on or off, if someone wants faster sync over safesync. or possibly levels of safety with increase decrease to performance.

    i may have a few more things later, but these are things that are needed now.