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Posts posted by yytbob

  1. Im in ChongQing China too and have the same problem too


    Im not good at english...sorry maybe someone can help me to translate this....

    我英文比較拙計... 後面想說的太複雜 希望樓上能幫我翻譯一下


    首先非常感謝這個軟件的開發組 確實好用



    組裡用這個工具合作製作字幕 效率提升了非常多 現在已經離不開它了



    這情況基本上無解 看GFW心情好也許會解封



    或者把tracker端整合進client里 再給個開關來控制tracker功能


    並且同時需要secret能夠像magnet一樣 可以加入後綴自定義tracker地址 讓GFW封之不盡

    如果以上功能實現了的話 我還有個建議是


    full access的用戶可以對其進行更新 而readonly的用戶也能對自己本地client添加自定義的tracker

    然後client能夠自動讀取文件中的主機地址并嘗試連接 這樣能夠讓整個同步網絡更加強壯 難以受到干擾


    I've been confronted by the same issue since Nov. 7 (just few days before the Third Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee) with a dozen of clients lost connections in Shanghai. Adding predefined hosts would help but didn't work for WAN.


    -----Here is the translation of some part of advice by Staalu written in Chinese above which I think inspiring-----


    Seemingly the issue is due to the block of track servers by the Great Firewall (GFW) for BTSync has been detected for some bypassing behavoiurs. At present we don't have much to do but could only wish GFW removed the block.


    Hopefully in the future I wish BTSync would make its tracker servers open or enable some full-control secret clients to build their own tracker by embedding this function into the software. Also I hope in the future users could determine which secret goes to which tracker so it would be stronger against the GFW.