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Posts posted by Troy

  1. Thank you for BitTorrent Sync, thusfar I'm impressed with what it can do and I like it. As for my personal wishlist:

    Although the probability of guessing secrets has been discussed in length in

    and a 2-step authentication has been proposed in the same topic, I would still like to see a form of 2-step authentication.What I'd love to see is very simple: currently, every shared folder has a secret, and i'd like to see a whitelist added for connecting devices (names) on a per secret basis. Note that spoofing the device name is very easy and does not add any security by itself, however it does turn the game of secret 'guessing' (again, the probability of a hit is very low) from attacking every user simultaneously to attacking a single user directly. Effectively, everything is already available in BitTorrent Sync, with exception of a filter for unknown device names, which then simply would accept/refuse the connection and appear online/offline, respectively.

    In the same filter trend as 1., I'd like to be able to pause the synchronization of a single folder (appear offline function, which may occasionally desirable), whilst the other folders continue to synchronize. Again, a simple blocking filter ought to be sufficient?