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Posts posted by le_avion

  1. Yes. I have a very similar configuration on my server.


    Apparently I can't see anything wrong in your configuration file. But you must make sure, that the firewall of the server does not block the required connections. Since you have no chance to see anything, I would suggest to make a backup copy of your configuration file, remove completely the shared_folders section and activate the web UI in order to get a better overview of what is happening (you shared folder will still exist, since btsync has stored it into its internal database). After you solved your problem, you can deactivate the web UI and write the shared_folders section back.


    You hit the nail on the head. It was the firewall that caused me the problem. I had to open udp port 3000 to the outside world in order for the server to show up and start syncing.

  2. I am trying to find out if the following setup will work to make btsync work in a similar way to Dropbox. I have a personal laptop, a mobile phone, a tablet and, at the office, a work computer. The problem is that there is no guarantee that at any point of time any of these devices will be running and connected. With Dropbox syncing works because there is a central server that stores the files to be synced so the next time any of the devices connects to Dropbox it get synced to the latest. In addition to the above list I also have a headless Ubuntu server that is on and online 24x7. I was thinking to add this sever to the sync pool so that it will be guaranteed that at least this machine will have an up-to-date copy of the files and all other devices/computers will sync with it when they come on-line.


    1. Would this work?


    2. I tried to do this in my configuration and while it was very simple to setup my Ubuntu laptop and mobile phone to sync to each other, for the life of me I cannot get the server to join the syncing party. In my server configuration I am trying to setup a user configuration rather than the default one. The secret is the same in all instances.



    Here is what I tried to do on the server after installing the server version:


    configuration file (avi.conf):

    //!/usr/lib/btsync/btsync-daemon --config//// DAEMON_UID=avi// DAEMON_GID=avi// DAEMON_DEBUG=0000{"device_name": "coral - Avi","storage_path" : "/home/avi/.btsync","listening_port" : 0,"check_for_updates" : false,"use_upnp" : true,"download_limit" : 0,"upload_limit" : 0,"disk_low_priority" : true,"lan_encrypt_data" : true,"lan_use_tcp" : false,"rate_limit_local_peers" : false,"folder_rescan_interval" : 600,"webui" :{},        "shared_folders" :        [                {"secret" : "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","dir" : "/home/avi/bitTorrent_Sync","use_relay_server" : true,"use_dht" : false,"search_lan" : true,"use_sync_trash" : true                }        ]}