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Posts posted by Paul.C

  1. I'm trying this on a Cedarview platform (1812+) and though it installed OK, I'm getting a blank page when I go to the web gui.
    When I 'view source', the majority of the page is handlebar templates, but this can be found at the top:

    <div id="noload" style="position:fixed; top:0px; height:100%; left:0px; width:100%; background:white; padding:40px;"><br><div>Your system was unable to load BitTorrent Sync properly.For information on how to fix this issue, please see the<a href="">Sync Knowledge Base</a>.</div><br><div id="user-agent-text"></div><br><input type="button" onClick="history.go(0)" value="Reload"><br><br></div><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('user-agent-text').innerHTML = navigator.userAgent;</script> <div id="browser-container"><div id="main-container"><div id="logo-container"><img id="logo-image" src="images/logo.png"></div><div id="center-container"><div class="textmain">Sync does not support your web browser.</div><div class="text">For your security, please use a current version of Chrome or Firefox.</div></div></div></div>

    The link takes me to a page that tells me that article isn't available in my language. Doesn't seem to be present at all, when I do a search of the knowledge base.
    The logs are telling me everything is OK, but I'll dig around some more.
    This unit had the Synocommunity package on it previously, but it was uninstalled before I installed this one.
    Two suggestions:
    a) a little more error logging would be nice ;)  'blank' web pages are not :(
    B) looking at the long list of javascript files included in the header, you could seriously speed up page loading just by combining these files and minifying the result. Most browsers have a measurable fixed starting overhead for each JS file parsed.
    - Paul