Drop-box / Write-only sync?

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This idea may just be silly, but i have some possible uses of it.

It is kinda simple (as with most great features), Just like it is allowed to have a read only copy of the sync, we could also allow users to mark their read/write copy as a write only copy (or perhaps for security, this could be another key). This would remove all files from the directory. (there could be a use in keeping folders, however they could also be gotten rid of, that i haven't thought through). This would leave a sparse folder(or set of folders) that you could drop files into (or have programs, like a web server front-end). These files would then be sent to at least one computer on the sync network and then be deleted by the program. (the computer that received it would be expected to seed the file to the remaining peers, as it would naturally do.)

This would allow for some different useful tricks including digital drop boxes on a server that would then send the files elsewhere (to one of your many home computers.) or it would allow you to simply move files into the network and not keep this record on what may be a less secure computer.

This was simply an idea that came to me and i'm not sure if it would be a useful feature or if it is awful, please discuss...

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, it would be great. This was requested already. I think the design would be a problem for multiple destinations. After all, how does the app know how many people attended the birthday party? Or if you're sharing with colleagues, and the sync keeps a record of which computers it's completed a sync to, you would have to know computer hostnames of everyone. It's a nightmare.

This is useful in so many situations, though.

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