Deleting folder while it is syncing causes it to show up again


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I have 3 Macs with a shared folder. All running the latest 1.1.69.

If I take a folder that has 1,794 files in it totaling 258.2 MB. If I make a copy of it with a new name the files start syncing. If I delete the folder I just created while it is still syncing the folder instantly reappears but now with only 1,074 items totaling 52.9 MB. All this is done on just one machine. The other machines did not touch the files aside from syncing them. It looks like the other machines are causing the first machine to sync back the other direction.

If I wait for the initial sync to finish and then delete it works as expected.

My concern here is that I want to sync software development folders and when the software is building there are a bunch of temporary files/folders created which I don't mind if Sync starts to sync but if the items are removed before it is done syncing I don't want them to come back.


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I have this problem as well, makes me act very carefully around large folders. As a workaround I will either temporarily pause syncing while I do any actions I need on the folder, or I will make a copy outside the BTSync directory and then paste it back in. Not ideal.

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