Ubuntu Bit Torrent Sync firwall ports


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Hey, I am using a Ubuntu Server as my Bit Torrent Sync Server.

I have a single Dynamic IPv4 Adress.I am using NAT, Firewall with (Sophos UTM).

The Bit Torrent Sync website is listening on port 8888.

I forwarded the port 8888 to my Ubuntu Server on the firewall but the sync is not working.

What ports do I exactly need to sync my Smartphone and other devices over the Internet with the Ubuntu Bit Torrent Sync server?

And if it is possible the website should not be reachable over the internet, I would like to enable only the sync over the Internet.

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Ok it also seems to work.

I am using a corporate Firewall and configured the BTsync Ubuntu website Client like this:

Website listen to UDP 8888

Sync listen to UDP 9999

Using UPnP

I opened on my firewall:

UDP 9999 and UDP 3000

I don't want that the website is accessible via the Internet.

and now it seems to work....

I forgot the port UDP 3000 for what ever it is...

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